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Toad alarm help

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My mate has asked me to put this question to u guys

He has a toad alarm, model number AI 606 and needs to know if there are any places taht sell thsi particular relay that can handle 12v aand 10/15A and then the other coil bit using a 1v. Im not sure if ive worded it right cos i know nowt bout electrics, but i think he wants to use his alarm to operate his boot, so he needs a boot release relay. any help would be much appreciated


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Maplin sells lots of relays and a good few 12v automotive specific ones.

Unless I'm mistaken, the oputputs on the 606 are switched earth. Give the relay a permanant 12v feed and the alarm will provide the earth when it is told to. Automotive relays will easily cope with a 10-15a load over the contacts.

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