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Andyrado g60

My sigma s series alarm is causing me a nightmare! Help

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Hi Everyone, my sigma alarm has started to cause me a bit of a nightmare, its been fine for the 1.5 years of owning my g60, done loads to it but havent touched the alarm. For the last few weeks its given 1 short beep when iv started the ignition, but everything else worked fine. Made a mental note to take it to an auto electrician / alart technician but as im skint till pay day iv had to put it off. Got in it this morning, dissarmed, turned the key, nothing.


Can hear the fuel pump prime, then i turn to start and nothing at all. Got out, checked wires on startermotor and fuses, all fine. Armed it, disarmed it, tried again, nothing. Repeated this process a few times, then started fine???


Made a few small journeys today, no problems. Got out of it 2 hours ago on my drive, pushed the window switch to close it (its 2/3 of the way down) it diddnt work, nor passenger, hmmm.


Got out, went to arm the system, it gave the beep beep and the lights flashed, but nothing locked, no doors, no boot, fuel door, nothing. So its nocked out all the locks and the windows (drivers side still down) but the alarm still beeps when armed and dissarmed, and when armed and you open the door (because the locks arnt working so you can just open it) the alarm goes off, ????


Iv got the manual and security codes, ect but theres nothing that indicates this problem. Tried the method to close the windows in emergency (hold button down 5 secs on fobb, nothing) i think somethings broken in the alarm box its self, think i need a sigma technician, what do you think? Anyone had anything like this before? Anyone know a sigma dealer, in the notts area, cant seem to find anything near me on the net? Thanks in advance, Andrew

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