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gumball 3000!!

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Just got back from watching (or trying to watch) the start of the Gumball 3000 start in Pall Mall.

The lead up was fine lots of very very nice motors to take piccies of and lurvly ladieeeees.

But...then we got ready for the kick off.


Got ourselves in a great position at the front, just past the start line and more importantly past the press pen and settled in to watch..and hey prestos the so called "stewards" decided that the press could now spread out further along and block everybodies view!! including the poor kid in a wheelchair who'd be waiting since 11am to see it all but couldn't cos the press wallys and all their bloody hangers on stood in the way.


The steward supervisor bless her tried to keep it under control but the coppers weren't interested and the other morons masquerading as fellow stewards couldn't have given a fishes tit.


Even had one of the organisers of the rally saying we should stop complaining cos we hadn't put any money into it....nice one!!! Sod that we'd waited 4 hours to make sure we could see everything just to have the press core f##'k it all up for everyone.


The organisers next year should think a bit more about the organisation of it rather than just how much money they are making!!! and ditch SFM stewards cos they are totally crap and did their image no good at all.!!


Gotta nice sun tan tho!!...lol

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