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Big headlight problem

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Ok, since my engine rebuild my headlights have been acting weird. My old pair would be fine on main beam, then when i put the full beam on the entire passenger headlight would turn off.


Since then i've bought some new ones, mainly because they were falling apart for fun. So my new ones now do this:


When i turn the side lights on:

Passenger side turns the side light on

Drivers side turns the main bulb half on


When i turn the main beam on:

Passenger side has the main light half on and the side light on

Drivers side has the main light on


When i turn full beam on:

Passenger side has just the side lights on

Drivers side has just the main bulb on full


So as you can see, its very random. The full beam lights never come on, and the passenger side light is constantly on no matter what i select.


So, what the fooooook is going on? Is it likely to be something from when the wiring was redone after the rebuild?



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Problem was traced back to a fuse. Headlights working now, however im not happy with now they sit, one is further back than the other.


My god does work on cars ever end?

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one is further back than the other.

sounds like you got 1 early and 1 late headlight

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