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Standard Steering wheel

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Has anyone got past the aftermarket steering wheel thing and had a standard vr wheel retrimmed. Any ideas on costs. I mean the retrimming cost is normally for the amount of leather. Not much on a steering wheel! Sure mj interiors would have a go. Thinking of putting a coloured enamel vw badge where the black one is in the middle. Whats your thoughts? Got a nice italvolant number but I like the Chunky middle part of the standard rather than the rubber boss.

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I like the idea, sounds good - think the coloured vw badge would look so cool! I do like the original steering wheel, i'm loathed to change mine too! But i'm afraid i don't know much bout the price, sorry!

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Thats cool. Good to now people still go for standard. I mean its not ugly and huge and in a crash, would rather nut something padded and tested to destruction by experts.

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Hey have you thought about doing what KADVR6 has done with his seats? order a load of that redye/seal stuff and refurbish the leather, presuming the stichings ok. The standard wheels not a bad bit of kit, i thiught it made the interior quite dated though and i just couldnt operate the clutch properly as it was in the way! :lol:

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Dont think the leathers at all savable as it is polished smooth. The army would be impressed with the sheen thats been achieved. Stitchings still perfect though. Do you have your seat quite high. I have no probs with the clutch leg and my tt seats are a little higher than the standards lowest position.

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