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Hey there, your advice is required please. :)

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Hey there fellow dubbers,


I currently drive a 2.0 litre new beetle but i am considering buying a corrado.


What engine would you guys recommend and could you tell me what the difference in power output there is between engines and roughly what MPG you get from them as well.


Could anyone please also let me know what to look for when looking to buy one as i dont want to have to spend money on unneccasary things when/if i get one.


I think i would ideally love a 2.9 VR6 as the insurance is only going to be a tad over £500 and they sound awesome, but the MPG would have to match or be very close what i get in the beetle. I get around 260 miles for £50 in the beetle.


Thanks in advance guys, i look forward to your replies.


Neil :)

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you will easily get 250 miles off £50 quid pal i put £55 in mine (70 litre tank, vr6) and mine is on nearly 300 with just under half of what i put in left :) :)


as for pointers look for any leaks of any kind any chain noise from start up and basically general checks one would make when looking/buying a new car make sure most of the electrics work not a problem if they dont but better to be working at the end of the day though i would imho be expecting to spend a little at the very least as no one sells a perfect car and every car some one buys has usually got one or two problems anyway just expect to doa service and keep a couple of hundred to one side and you should be ok but try to hear one from cold if it sounds ruff then,then it is ruff!!! and walk away also as a pointer if there is gunk in oil cap on rocker cover dont presume the head has gone as a lot of people put wrong anit freeze in and this messes up heat exchanger and gives the appaearance head has gone which it hasnt most of the time??!! anyway welcome to the forum mate and if you need any help viewing i can come along if you are local to me?? lancashire. gerry

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Welcome to the forum. The knowledge base (link at the top right, below the search) has details of all the engine options and their claimed fuel consumption. There's also a good buyers guide with tips of what to look for and avoid.


Best buying tip is probably to look in the for-sale section of the forum. Buying a 2nd hand car is always risky, but if the former owner is a like-minded enthusiast then I reckon you're likely to be safer.


I get around 360 miles for £55 in my VR on average, more if I'm on longer motorway trips. If you're always driving with your foot to the floor (as you will be for the first few weeks :-) )then expect a few less miles!


Happy hunting!

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Hey guys,


Thanks for the replies, i am in Birmingham so a little far to drag you round looking for one but thanks for the offer Gerry its mucho appreciated.


I am gonna have a proper look around the forum when i get home from work and write down all the statistics of each type there is.


Thanks again guys and i will let you know what i decide to do when the time comes :)

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hi mate, i live in sutton coldfield mate. so if want some help when you go to look at one let me no :wink: there is a place in tamworth called TCS, the bloke is a bit of a t**t, but he has a lovely silver vr6 for sale, he has had it for sale for over 6months now, but he did want proper money for it, but the price has gone down to £2995 its a 1996 Nreg, 127k with FSH, it was not worth the original asking price of £5250?? but def worth the £3k he is asking for it at the moment,



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A Corrado VR6 will easily beat the economy of your Beetle. I'm seeing approx. 29MPG (getting about 350 miles for £55 of BP Ultimate) in my Corrado at the minute.. and whilst thats only a 2.0 16v, they seem to be LESS fuel efficient than the VR6 - a VR will easily match or beat that.

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well if you do come up this way send us a pm and i will gladly help you check one out pal 8) 8) 8)

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