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What are these relays for?

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The blower on my 2.0L 16v died some time ago, i have done what was suggested to try and get it to work, ie checked the contacts on the switch etc and have even changed the unit for another but still it refuses to work. Whilst removing the old unit I noticed that there were two relays situated above the blower ducting behind the glove box. There was also abit of damp, wel it was wet from aleak that I have now got to trace. The numbers on the tops of the relays are 179 and 79. Has any body got any idea what these are for as I am thinking that if they have shorted due to being wet this may be why my blower wont work! Any ideas?

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The relays are for ABS - none for the blower...


Check 12V to the plug then either trace back or investigate the resistor pack (altho these usually fail and it still works on speed 4 - no resistance)

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Thanks for your reply. The relays did dry out and then the blower starter to work but intermittantly. I eventually nailed it down to poor contacts in the plug on the side of the blower. a bit of WD40 and it all seems to be working OK at the moment - Cheers.

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