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Laughable insurance quotes!!!!

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I got my renewable offer from Admiral last week, £520. Which isn't bad, im 21, 2yrs ncb, and have a 1.8 valver C. However, i decided to go on the net to see if i could get a better quote. So far HIC has given me £800, hastings direct (cheapest my ass), offered me £1450, and swiftcover won't even give me a quote! Whats goin on!?!

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Ring Hic, ask for Martin and tell him what your renwal is....


They may well match it....As will others... If they see you have insurance already with a company, odds on they are brokers for the same company and then it's a matter of dropping their "Cut"...


A lot of "Big" name brokers will just aim for the Avaerge drivers IE 25+ 3+yrs NCB, no convictione etc... as these will give the least hassle looking for cover and better margins...


Matter of picking up the phone and banging round the companies...

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put your mum on the insurance and watch the prices start to drop. nearly all my mates have got there mothers on there insurance policy. it saved me £150

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I just got a quote for £327 for the VR as a second car from HIC, fully comp. etc. Yay!

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i heard about the adding someone so tried with my mum on my policy, she has never crashed, nor sped, been driving 20yrs+


and it put my insurance UP by over £100???


weird, was the guy i bought corrado from that mentioned it

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