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removing door glass?

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Help. Have used the search and might be just a bit fick :lol:

But I cant see how to get the glass from my doors.

Have 2 doors that are going to replace mine once they are sprayed. Both are complete with the glass wound up.

Am leaving the mech in but removing everything else, And have done, but cant see how to get the glass out.


No usful comments about hammers either as I dont need any encouragement to smash stuff :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:





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Cheers toad,

Would be perfect but the windows are up and the doors are on the floor in my garage. :?


Anyone know if I can wind down the leccy windows manually?



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I would make up a bit of wiring loom to the motors, or sit them inside your car and plug them in...

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Cars in garage getting work done..................................


Bugger. 8)




Go to a local scrappy. and buy the bit of wire and plug that plugs into the motor from a golf, then connect it straight to a battery. carefully. not setting yourself on fire or generally giving you reason to sue me.... ;)


Sorry I can't be of more use....

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