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Blower controls

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So things went OK, I changed the vblower etc, and it is working great. New problem though, the control that diverts the air to feet windscreen, driver etc has now broken. So my next question is how do i get to the guts of this one? Do I need to remove the centre console, or just the "facia" where the controls are or does the whole dash need tocome out? - I really wosh that there was a decent basic manual for these cars.

Any suggestions are gratefully received, Thanks

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Are you getting air out from one setting but can't change to another? Is it early or late style heater controls?

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The blower itself works on all 4 settings, but at present the controls are set to driver and floor, I can get floor only, but it still blows to driver and footwell, If I could get the knob to direct air to the windscreen, then it still blows to driver and floor, this is really irritating when the screen mists up when it rains!!!. i think that sonething on the selsctor will need replacing as these things tend to work by opening and closing flaps I just dont know how to actaully get to the area behind the control dial itself.

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If you remove the same trim you took off to replace the blower and look towards the bottom middle of the dash. Whilsts sliding the selector back and forth you should see a steel cable moving some cogs. One of your cogs is probably broke and so not turning when the cable moves. Apparently new cogs are no longer available from VW so you'll need to raid the scrappies.

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