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Engine won't start, alarm acting fishy.

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I can't believe it's doing this to me. Two days ago I was putting the rest of the front end back together and then the stock alarm just went off for no reason. I turned the ignition on and that didn't shut it up so I disconnected the battery. Ever since then I have three weird things that are acting up. The car has a Clifford alarm wired up to the stock alarm, installed by one of the PO's.


1) The close window feature worked but now all windows close except the driver's window which doesn't move at all but closes through the window switch.

2) The horns are also acting up, they are brand new horns (which worked when tested) but when I press the horn button with the ignition on I can hear the relay clicking and the horn making a short "bing" as if it gets a short amount of power as the relay goes through it's cycle.

3) When I twist the ignition switch to start the engine, I can see a small voltage drop but no movement what so ever. I know the stock alarm cuts the fuel but the Clifford alarm probably cuts the starter.


Other than that, the alarm works fine. It locks all the doors and it activates but why all of the weird behavior all of the sudden? I did need to disconnect the battery a few times when working on the car but I didn't play with any wires. I also checked all of the fuses and made sure that the relays are properly plugged in. I disconnected the battery for 13 hours in hopes that it will go back to normal but no results. I also caused the alarm to go through it's cycle (arm the car, kick it so it goes off then disable alarm) but nothing there either.


Any advice is greatly appreciated. I need the engine to run to finish up the last of the mechanical work and drop it to the ground and take it for a drive for the first time in 8 months.



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