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toad ai606 pin code

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hi there well iv lost my pin code card , does anyone know if its on the back of my spare fob, maybe i leave 1 number out ,if not iv heard its in the serial number, and toad are trying to sell me a new alarm i have all docs to prove its mine if anyone could help me that would be great thanks justin

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Its not on the Fob - mine is definately not.

I very much doubt it is directly in the serial number though - although I bet the technical help can decode your serial no to work it out. But then again, they don't deal with the public so you might be stuffed.


Having said that, if you're very nice to them, you can get the technical guys to help out with most queries - 0870 160-4433

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thanks for that, one of the kids at my sisters nusery her dad is a toad fitter we found out, so he rang them with my serial no and they told him, and it works, its not on the fob or in the serial no, but you dont need to take it out and send it off, just pop in with your car to your local toad fitter prove your the owner and not a crack head and offer some cash , they didnt charge him, and he didnt charge me :D

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