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Junior Jackson

Something's rocking - definitely not mounts..

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Hi - haven't been around for a while but been busy - the exhaust on the G60 knackered but I wanted to get the engine solid before I fitted a new system - at low speeds, every gearchange would rock the engine about - on / off throttle even gently would thud it backwards and forwards... Previously had a solid front mount and didn't like the vibration so went the whole hog and got all three vibra-technics mounts and had them fitted. Vibraton has gone totally - you can really feel that the engine is solid - gearchange is better but the rocking is still there!!

At anything up to 35mph, on / off throttle thuds something at the front of the car backwards and forwards... Could it be the front crossmember mounts? I'm wondering if running the solid front mount could have transferred the stresses onto these and killed them? I have bought a set of four from VAG and will get them fitted but I want to know if there's anything else I should be doing at the same time? Could it be other subframe mounts?? Any advice would be great - I have very little knowledge of subframe mounts other than the front crossmember ones..


Thanks in advance,



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After £300+ of mounts plus fitting I'm reasonably sure it's not them, I've been quoted more than £300 to fit the four rubber mounts to the front crossmember, surely it can't be that difficult, the mounts are quite easy to access, they are easily viewed from the underneath front of the car.

Has anyone changed these mounts and if so, how difficult a job is it? With a couple of trolley jacks it looks like not too bad a job..



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