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Chance meeting leads to double car shocker

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Not sure why didn't post this before, but....

Was doing some early evening shopping few months back and on exiting the top level car park (keeping it real and real far away from knobhead car door dingers) I noticed the rear of a car in the adjacent housing estate that looked v. familier. I drove over to investigate. And low (i'sh) and behold there sat a C VR6 in Burgandy!! This being Ireland and the fact there's prob only about 10 over here at best (please correct me if I'm wrong) I was ruddy chuffed. I needless to say hopped out to have a right good butchers. She was looking a little tired, cob-webs on the side mirrors, brake disc's a little brown. Poor old girl.

As I was doing my Dr. Quincy impression sure enough a door opened and out came the owner. Well blow me down!! It was my mate from College days back in 95/96 era and I'd not seen since. What were the chances??!

Unfortunatly, fate was to have another say in things and 2weeks later he came out to find his pride & joy in bits. Some absolute ##########'ers had tired to nick it, but finding the engine very un-responsive (-the battery was flat! How's that for security) they proceeded to go round kicking lumps into it, pulled the steering column to peices, had the stereo, smashed the head lamps and generaly pulled at anything they could before sinking back to the pits of filth w'hence they came.

Got chatting to him again this week, the VR's been up in local garage now for 4 months!! Parts coming in from Germany etc.

The bills up round 3/4k EURO!! Only silver lining here is that it'll be back in good shape when completed and they go for 9/10k euro on Irish market.

He has, I regret to add, lost his mojo with VR's now and just wants rid. It prob doesn't help him seeing mine cruising round, is his word, ''see u all the time in ur's-bloody blinds me the shine off it''. Thinking of popping round to him tonight. Might spare him the heart ache and taka the g'f's Daewoo Kalos instead! :(

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