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Help! What model Clifford do I have?

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Coming up to renew my insurance and need to know what model of Clifford alarm is fitted.


Thing is, I have no idea! Checked with the previous owner and he's equally as clueless, so could anyone give me any pointers as to how I find out?



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Any chance you can post a pic of the fob - or find one on the net?


You need to find the control box really and get the numbers off that, probably behind the gearstick area...


Most alarm companies hold a record of alarm models and registration so worth a phone call but Clifford are fairly useless tbh (or there 'approved' fitters are anyway!)

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Removed the trim and had a look behind gearstick/handbrake and found a small control type unit for a "Proximity Sensor III".


Googled this and found that this is compatible with earlier Clifford alarms (G5 range?)


Will have a closer look tomorrow. Here's a pic of the fob.



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That looks like a G4 range remote (like mine)


So it could be a Concept 100/300/400/500/600 ???


Best thing to do is get yourself down to a local Clifford dealer and aske them to find out which one it is. They will need to find the brain of the alarm to determine this. They can connect to the brain using the Cliffnet wizard via a Laptop. If your insurance comapny requires it, the clifford dealer should be able to provide you with a letter to prove the Thatcham Category of the alarm (300, 500 and 600 are CAT 1s).

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not a guarantee but most brains are fitted above the glove box. listen for clicking when arming and dissarming the car inside to give you a clue. when you find the brain the model number is on the front the serial number on the back, but as said the brain can be plugged into for a complete check over. when you have found it give me a call and i can help

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