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Is it worth it for a daily drive...

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Some of you may know that I have just recently had my car resprayed and the main reason for this was because of the amount of 'car park' related dents and scratches left by other people......


So 5 weeks after the respary what do I notice this morning when I go to get into my car, but a chip on my drivers door and a big scratch about 1ft long on the rear quarter!!


I'm not kidding I could have cried. I can still feel the lump sitting in my throat and I am that angry about it I have a sore head :(


The chip on the door is right through the paint and not even sure if it has dented it either as I havent had a proper look due to it still being quite dark this morning.....its been their door hitting off it. The scratch is not through the paint but is quite deep. Looks like a bag or sumthing has scratched along it.

I will try using my porter cable on the scratch to see if it does anything, otherwise it will need to be wet sanding which I really didnt want to have to do on a newly painted car! The chip however is another story.


The maddening thing about it is that I always park out the way of everyone and it could only have happened in the car park at work cos i have been watching from the window every day to see if anyone has parked next to me. I have a rough idea too who it might have been , but its not as though they are gonna admit it to it when I pull them up for it.


I have spent a fair bit of money on it lately to bring it back to the way I wanted it and for this to happen is just so downheartening. Today I have taken up 2 parking spaces and if anyone even dares say anything to me, they will get an ear full!!


I'm now at the stage of thinking is it worth even getting the door sprayed again if its needed, or should I just get the mark touched up cos I use the car for work and its not possible to watch it all the time to make sure it doesnt happen again.


I dont have the money to constantly throw at the car because of inconsiderate numpties!

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i need some paint on mine, but am specifically not getting the doors done, even tho they have quite a few dings. Just because i dread experiencing exactly what you just described :(


shame really, but i only getting rid of a dent to wheel arch and some specs of rust on front arches, would love a complete respray and have it perfect, but i have to use public car parking, even the folks at work do it (boss's wife put a dent in mine and i wasn't too happy)


really really angers me when i see people doing it, the rage takes over :lol:

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i can imagine how p****d off you are. my car should hopefully be off for a respray soon and ill be doing backflips if anytinhg like that happens to it. i am fortunate enuough to have another car though, so the rado will only be out and about at weekends! 8) . gutted for you and i hope you dind the bugger that did it...

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I'd get it fixed mate... I just wouldn't let other people ruin the enjoyment I get from having my Corrado... mine's a daily driver too... so I understand the worry... but I'd still rather everything was right and the way I wanted than let some git make me feel bad for nowt!


Get it fixed and enjoy life... it's too short not too...

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Bummer. The trouble is that a lot of people don't give a stuff about their or anyone else's car. My best mate and his family were up staying with us a month or two back and we parked next to each other in a public car park in the Peak District. Next thing I know, his wife's opened her door straight into mine, honest to god, she didn't even notice, apologise or realise she'd done anything at all. Fortunately we were in my ratty Mark 2, but if she'd done that the the 'rado I think I'd have lost it, best mate's wife or not :?


I'm thinking about getting a full respray on my Corrado next year because the current paint job's a bit iffy, but the thought of getting it scratched by some git really puts me off. Fortunately the Golf gets used mostly day to day, but I hate the idea of getting the Corrado spot on then having some muppet dent or scratch it.

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i thought about inventing something that you stick on wing mirrors when you park which prevents people from parking within a certain distance of your car.


the cruder and more nasty looking the better, as they would see it would damage their car more

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It's funny you should mention that, cos I too thought along the same lines a couple of years ago when again my door received another dent. I ended up finding a web site which sold these kind of long foam things that had a magnet backing to them which meant you could remove them when you returned to your car. there was a wire attached too that sounded if the pads were bumped!


The wire ran inside the door which also stopped them from being stolen lol nothing a pair of wire cutters wouldnt fix though.


Kind of a good idea but not sure if it would work.


It would be nice to have another car as a daily drive but just not practical as my husband has the mk4 for this and the other one is garaged so a 4th is not affordable unfortunately.


I am calming down as the day is going on but I know that when i see it again 2nite the anger will flare back up again!


Thanks for sharing your stories though as it always helps to get a bit of understanding from like minded people. I know that I can be a bit OTT at times when it comes to the car :)

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Its a real shame mate, but thats the way it is most people dont even think twice about opening their doors

onto the car parked next to them :-( usualy kids and women that are the worst offenders!


Every time we go to get the weekly shop I almost expect to find another dent in the door, fortunatly it hasnt

happend yet but it will!


Its all very well saying be carefull where you park but if its a daily driver sometimes you just dont have any choice.

Hope you decide to get it sorted and that it stays clear of morons and their doors in future!

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Yep know exactly what you mean - it's gutting isn't it. But think about it - I bet you'd rather drive the C every day and enjoy it for what it was built for rather than keep it in the garage to stop from worrying about it?


This is something I told myself when I bought my Corrado - that it's "just" a car and I'm going to try not to be ultra paranoid about it. Obviously I'll be careful where I park it etc. but if it came to the point where I'd not take it somewhere "in case" it got a knock, there wouldn't be any point in having it.


Cars are for driving and enjoying and sadly bumps and scrapes are a byproduct of this.

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i might start parking across the bays so my doors are facing the way front and rear end should, that will confuse people, they won't know what to damage then.


i've even started taking photos of the cars i park next to/near, so i have their reg and proof of damage if any :lol:

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sorry to hear that Jules, I've same prob in my work car park. I end up having to park the left side as close to a wall or pillier just so that which ever rubbish head parks beside me, at least I've given them almost one and a half spaces :? As for Big car parks Tesco etc I just park miles away where no one else parks and use about 3 spaces. If anyone ever gave out, I'd not give a monkeys and point to the 2 dings I've got so far(thankfully now not too noticeable).

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My Leon is now sporting a hefty dent in the front passenger door, thanks to some nob in the Halfords car park. I'm not sure if it's stupidity, ignorance, spite, or something else entirely. Morons.

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It was kinda dark again 2nite when I finished work so I got the light out and had a look.

Luckily the door doesnt look as though its dented. It looks like the persons door has swung open to it fullest and the very edge has caught on mine. Its amazing how soft the paint still is from the respray cos it looks like the paint has been shoved along and has bunched in a blob!


I park in an end space in a corner at work and most people stay away from me cos they know what im like about my car, but this guy obviously doesnt so as from tomorrow a friend is going to park beside me.


My Leon is now sporting a hefty dent in the front passenger door, thanks to some nob in the Halfords car park. I'm not sure if it's stupidity, ignorance, spite, or something else entirely. Morons.


Havent you just for the car too?...sorry to hear that! probably the usual mixture of stupidity and ignorance.

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