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Electrical problems JUST saved from burning to the ground!!!

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Phew, that was close. On my way home today I was getting flashed by everyone, pulling over I found I had no rear lights! got home and had a look about thinking it was just a bust bulb, but both lights? anyway tested the bulbs, one was good one was bad, so must be that one blew and popped the fuse.


Fitted a new bulb and replaced the fuse went back and checked the rear lights both working - great. However going back to replace the fuse cover I was greeted by a horrible smell. WTF! sticking my head in the footwell I could see the fuse was boiling!!!!!! quickly pulled it out but the car was full of smock by now and the lights were stuck on.


I quickly pulled the trim off under the dash and pulled the fuse box out to get a better look only to find a bunch of wires melted and still smoking. so opened the bonnet and quickly disconnected the battery. thats where I am know.




was wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem and if it was obvious what caused it.


Failing that I will have to pull it all of and chasae/rewire the whole lighting system (and any other damaged wires) so if anyone has cabin loom suitable for a '95 VR6 please let me know oh and a new fuse box as mine looks a little melted now!


Thanks for your help.



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Yep - failed headlight switch sending current down the brown earth cable in the loom - happened to a few of us now!!


This is why I replace my headlight switch every 2 years or so and tell people to always buy new and not second hand


You might find it's not that bad and you can just replace the switch and repair the loom with some repair wire - would strongly advise putting an inline fuse on that wire (3 or 5 amp)

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thanks supercharged. I hope it is what you suggest!


so does it just burn out the wires from the switch to the fusebox? or does the whole thing light up like a bulb element.... I couldn't really see or be bothered with it to be honest as its bitterly cold out there and p!ssing with rain so thought I'd just miss tomorrow off work to get it sorted after clearing enough space to get it in the garage where I will be hugging the heater!


Cheers Doug

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No worries - when mine went it just melted the insulation on the wire (was very lucky like you tho and caught it within seconds)


You need to unlock the fusebox and remove the loom really and then check other looms for damage...

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glad the car did not fill up with smoke while you were belting down the motorway Doug, otherwise you may not have been here at all :(


theres a fuse box here viewtopic.php?f=13&t=59695 for sale mate,


hope ya get it sorted soon.



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thanks, but its worse.... I've dug around taken dash out actually most of the interior is out of the car now so I can see the harness. No idea what the cause is and will be difficult to determine as I have deiscoved the whole LH lighting harness has cooked! looks like it the side light that could be the cause as thats the wire thats most affected.


Oh forgot to mention I got a new fuse box, switch and switch loom replaced that and still the problem happened (although I was ready for it and 'pulled the plug' when it got warm).


so looks as though I need a new engine bay lighting loom... and defo worth replaceing the column switch (theres something not right with the cr!p parking light system - with the indicator but I cant get my head round it)


Thing is its difficult to tell if anything I find now was the cause or is a result of the cause......



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