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Strangest Thing with Reverse

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Now it's been crazy cold for the last few days in Dublin... so... here's a strange issue... I can put the gear stick into reverse without pressing down!!


Nearly back into a guy at the lights last night... happening a few times after too... wondering would the cold have made something stick.. or what... gonna drive tomorrow and see if it's still happening... Anyone ever come across a problem like this?


Still happening... came across this explanation on a US VW site... which might explain... Am I the first to come across this?


' The end of the shift lever has a ball on it that fits into a cup.

The cup wears and allows the ball to ride lower and lower. Pretty soon,

the ball, with shifter attached, is riding so low that you don't need

to push down to bypass the reverse lock out.

All you need to do is replace the ball and cup. While you're in there,

replace thes hifter bushings for the feedthrough.


Any words of advice?

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