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Hey everyone, im new, and thought that I would introduce myself.


I dont actaully own a corrado as of yet but I hope to be buying one in the next few weeks. the problem is that im a youngster (almost 19) with only one years no claims, so insurance is going to be ridiculous. fortunately i can go on my mums insurance, I was just wondering if this is going to be a feasible option. which insurance compnies would consider a 19 yr old?


thanks for any help

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first off.. sounds like you should go with a 16v. i bought my G60 on my 20th birthday but damn insurance costs are like giving blood. :(

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Welcome to the forum.


A lot of Companies are refusing to accept people as second drivers.


You will find that in the event of a claim, they will try and prove that you are in fact the main driver and invalidate any claim.


But it's probably your only option at 19, even on a 1.8 valver.

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me tooooooo (BTW i'm 18 and drive a 2.0L 16v) mmmmmmmm lovley on my own name i pay £1609 with one years no clains and pass plus LOL...

i'm with elephant.co.uk


good luck

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