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Dancing Fish

Re-wiring central locking

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One of the three central locking wires that goes into the plug connection that connects the wiring to the door handle, has corroded and broken off right next to the entrance to the plug making it essentially impossible to re-wire it back into the plug.


Therefore I am left either having to buy a new plug and cut all three wires and re-wire.


Just cut the wires and by pass the plug and connect to the door handle side using male female connectors or something similar.


Does anyone know if there is anything in the plug that is required, such as a fuse? I suppose i could put in an inline fuse if this is required.


Further, the wire corroded due to the wetness in the door area and the fact it justs sits on the bottom of the door panel. Anyone got any good proven solutions to this. I could just duck tape it halfway up the inside of the door i suppose?





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a great way ive used in the past to waterproof wires is to get some washer jet hose and feed the wires through that, then at the ends where it leaves the pipe just squeeze in some clear silicone sealant.

Its a bit fiddly but when youve got wires that sit in water or dampness all the time it keeps them nice and fresh

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