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Head gasket?..still losing water!

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Recently had the thermo housing and gubbings changed as was leaking like a sieve.


Car hasn''t had a great deal of use since this due to it needing brake pipes and a few other bits for test.


Noticing on the runs I have been on, the expansion tank seems to be down each time.


Whats happening to this water, there is none of the tell tale signs of head gasket but miles are above 150k and people you talk to say wouldn't be surprised what with being a vr6 and the mileage.


When I have the run the car, the engine and oil temps seem to be good going on the info have found on the forum.


I took the car for a good run earlier and parked up at about 6pm, went out to the car at around 11pm popped the bonnet to take a photo of some split hose (not water) and could hear a hissing which was coming from the expansion tank, took cap off and replaced, hissing gone.


Is this normal for the car to still be hissing like that so long after running or even at all.

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ive got the same prob...had the thermostat changed,heater matrix,heater pump and even tried fitting the blue expansion tank cap...but im still losing the dam stuff! cant see any leaks anywhere hoses all look fine?....completly mystified!!!!

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Hi guys, have the same problem....on a cold morning I noticed steam comming out a small hole on the side of the expansion tank (guessing its a hole for an overflow if the pressure gets to high) hidden behind the black plastic trim. i'm guessing the water is getting to hot, so will renew the stat to see if that helps.

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