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Jim Bowen

Jacking Points?

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can someone mark on this floor plan diagram the points where its safe to jack?


also is there a place where you can just both wheels up at once? i.e: both front wheels, or both rear wheels


i previously jacked it up on rear axle, but from reading the book it says not to do that. but doesn't really say anywhere that you can jack apart from the points where the crappy jack that comes with car goes.



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so jacking between the two points of where the subframe meets wishbone is ok?


i been using the circle bits set a little way in from each side, on the floor basically, but where its shaped, then put axle stands on the square section of floor

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Sorry 3corsameal meant this attachment for the rear. Didnt realise id posted the same image. I jac the car up at the back where the suspension arm meets the rear beem. Then put axle stands under the rear beam (has a rounded edge to it too) its safe on there.

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