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Lost my keys - whoops, found them in a bad place

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Basically, I've been a master fool and lost my keys. Not a problem getting into the car as I have spare, but I have a crappy steering lock (more as a visual deterrent than anything) that now has no key. I'm not sure of the make, but the style is like this.

Any ideas of how to get the thing off with minimal effort? I was thinking a combination of screwdriver and hacksaw. And maybe a hammer for good measure. :D



EDIT - and the car is parked two streets away so no chance of power tools.

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Couldnt you try a lock smith?


Also i dont think that sort of lock is that tough, so as you've said a hacksaw and screwdriver should get it off in the end. If you could get hold of one of those portable power packs/jump lead packs a disc saw may be easier and quicker. Though it may look like youre trying to nick the car :lol:

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Well, after about 10 mins of me trying to screwdriveer the bugger off, I went to the garage behind my flat to see if they had a portable angle grinder. They didn't so I walked back to my car, only to see my keys sitting underneath my car! I had been fiddling around under the bonnet and had dropped them under the engine. I'm very surprised none of the radge b*stards round here spotted it - they were under there for a week!


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lol, left mine in the ignition overnight the other day :? i think either its time or it isn't, and i think you had your share of bad luck with last one Jim, I'd regard it as a good omen! :)

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i know you found the keys now but isn't that one of those locks that can be opened in 7 seconds with a butter knife?


Google it! :D

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Nah, more like this:



I'm not gonna take any risks, enough cars get broken into round here. I think it screams "Go away!"

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hmm I had an old mate whos brother was a little b"stard and used to break into cars. He knew which locks where good and where not. I remember him saying those type werent that good, from what i can remember. THere must be a website that rates car locks.

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Yeah, but there's more cars that are easier to steal round here....a soft top Mk2 springs instantly to mind.

I seem to remember Which? doing a test and it came out well.

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but what if u loose your keys now, you have just fitted a steering lock thats near impossible to get off :D lol

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lol, left mine in the ignition overnight the other day :? i think either its time or it isn't, and i think you had your share of bad luck with last one Jim, I'd regard it as a good omen! :)


I almost always leave the keys in the ignition on the Porsche, but that's locked in the garage at my house, so the only people that would go in there would be family, and none of them have the physical prowess to drive it. But when I was coming back to school we had an open house (not sure if you guys do those over there, where potential buyers can come and walk through your house) because we're selling it, and I almost left the keys in it, but I remembered right as we were walking out the door.


I'm glad you found your keys.

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Those bar steering locks are no use what so ever. Saw an ex car thief on TV in new zealand take one of them of in about 10 seconds. He didnt attack the lock at all. The big lad went at the steering wheel with a hacksaw and because its designed to give a little in a crash, its not made of tough metal. Bent the wheel rim, slid the lock off, straighted it to drive it. Job done.


If your wheel was rubbish, thats what I would suggest.

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