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Mystic Storm

Re-Fixing Rubbing Strips

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I need to re-fix one of the front rubbing strips on my rado but not sure what to use. Have done a search and double-sided fixing tape seems to be the stuff to use (ensuring that both surfaces are dry and clean first). However, I went to Halfords today and the guy said the tape wasn't that good and I should use Tiger Seal? Unfortunately they don't sell it! I'm assuming it must be good if he's told me to use a product they don't stock i.e. he turned my custom away.


Anybody else used Tiger Seal for the rubbing strips?

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hes right though, their tape is poop. mine kept falling off everytime it rained


use no nails ;)

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hes right though, their tape is poop. mine kept falling off everytime it rained


use no nails ;)


Cheers for that mate. Maybe I should just remove them all :wink:

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The tape works fine providing you heat it up and heat the panel up when you apply it. Easy with a hair dryer. Used it on mine a couple of years ago and still stuck like the proverbial to a blanket :D

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i used clear bathroon silicone sealant on one of my rubbing strips about a year ago, it will never come off.

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