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ali moore

The best chuftie (i recon)

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ok, so there i am purring along uckfield bypass ( in traffic) when just left a round about noticed a rather nice audi join about 2 cars behind me, didn't think any more of it, till SH=THE BED, the boogers all over me, yep its a RS4, fully loaded i might add , flippin kids an all,(no dog), we pulled off on the next roundabout (less traffic)i put her up to 60 (gave him a flash at the spoiler LOL) and the dude planted it, well i no he's got 450 bhp, and he no's what i got so why did he bother, i recon it made him feel good taking my VR which i consider to be a bit of a chuftie, he wouldn't do it to a vectra would he.i now just let um go and give em a smile as their go past cos they no. :lol:

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