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Discs to fit VR6 or not be the case...

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Wondered if anyone knew what discs I have as they don't appear to be VR6 ones...


They are 280mm right enough but the overall height is bigger than it's meant to be, I think the VR6 ones are meant to be about 28mm but these are twice that!


Any ideas what model they might be for?



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Yes they are 280mm in diameter(A), the disc thickness is 22mm(B), but the total height should be about 28mm©


The ones sent to me are a good bit more than that, more like 50-60mm off the top of my head.


I cant get a photo of the actual product at moment as not at home but hopefully someone will have an idea as to what car they are likely to be for.


The supplier is adament that they are for the Corrado VR6 as the product code matches blah blah....only thing they can think of is the cars brakes have been modified but they haven't it's the standard caliper.

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Corrado VR6 discs should be almost flat in profile to account for the offset vs plus suspension


I think the ones you have got are Passat VR6 with Base suspension (more of a top hat profile)

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Cheers for that, sounds about right, I have looked through some catalogues to check various discs and all the passat ones I seemed to come across were the same as the VR6. I think the Bora was one that seemed to be far higher.


Which model/year of Passat do you think they sound like?

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