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scarlet_vr6's blackberry!

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I don't know what you worry about Faye, your car is pretty tidy overall, just needs a drop and a bit of paint.


Wish mine only needed that! :help:

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thanks everyone and good luck Bill for double figures, although I know you don't need any luck - if your one doesn't pass first time, then the rest of us are in serious trouble... That is such an impressive record.


I also received my insurance renewal today...

....and it's cheaper than last year's premium! So Brentacre come highly recommended from me. My new premium is £400 inc. legal cover. I was quite impressed by that esp since I haven't reached any age milestones this year and I've had full NCD for ages now. That Magnex might be closer than I think..... :cheers:

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Dont forget to try Chris Knott too Fay, they almost guarantee to beat your renewal by a nice margin, maybe more so if you're a club member too 8)

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Just got my renewal quote through and its £420 so its gone up £20 and that is going from 4 years to 5 years no claims and i am already over 25 so thats me getting onto them again for more insurance haggling fun.

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yeah I hate going through all the renewal/cheaper elsewhere stuff. Always worth it when you can save a few pennies though. Mine works out at £375 premium, £15 legal cover and £10 admin fee. Might add on protected NCD though cos I've found out that although I now have 9yrs, if I claim it'll go to 3yrs as most companies see 5yrs as the max. Junkie, £420 doesn't sound too bad to me as I know you have 1 or 2 mods under that bonnet....

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Junkie, are you just a whipper snapper then?


Faye, what did you manage to get it down to? HIC seem to do discounts for club membership, show attendance and mag subscription! didn't realise about the last two!

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Just got my renewal quote through and its £420 so its gone up £20 and that is going from 4 years to 5 years no claims and i am already over 25 so thats me getting onto them again for more insurance haggling fun.


Me too pal, just got mine through @ £403 with no mods. Thing is ive got some sp cams to go in & ive droppd her on coilies. Im nervy about calling the usuall suspects now!! :?

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Just got my renewal quote through and its £420 so its gone up £20 and that is going from 4 years to 5 years no claims and i am already over 25 so thats me getting onto them again for more insurance haggling fun.


Me too pal, just got mine through @ £403 with no mods. Thing is ive got some sp cams to go in & ive droppd her on coilies. Im nervy about calling the usuall suspects now!! :?


Brentacre don't care about coils, only engine mods, you will need to declare them but they won't put your premium up :D

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Junkie, are you just a whipper snapper then?



Well that depends on how old you are but no im not in my eyes, i shall be 28 in July. My Mrs says that makes me an old timer, she been 21 in August.

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Dont forget to try Chris Knott too Fay, they almost guarantee to beat your renewal by a nice margin, maybe more so if you're a club member too 8)


Yes, please give us a call on 0800 917 2274.


We're here to help!

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Just got my renewal quote through and its £420 so its gone up £20 and that is going from 4 years to 5 years no claims and i am already over 25 so thats me getting onto them again for more insurance haggling fun.


Me too pal, just got mine through @ £403 with no mods. Thing is ive got some sp cams to go in & ive droppd her on coilies. Im nervy about calling the usuall suspects now!! :?


Brentacre don't care about coils, only engine mods, you will need to declare them but they won't put your premium up :D[/quote:2ha9pc19]



They came in at £589!! booo!!


The best is Fluxy @£445 with all mods in & agreed value - hit me Aidey one more time!! :clap:

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My renewal isn't due for a couple of weeks so I haven't got round to sorting it yet. Think I'll be making a couple of calls before renewal time though. Thanks Tim, I'll give you a call too - £400 to beat atm... :wink:

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typical - less than a week after spending over £300 getting tyres and MOT, he breaks down.. think it's the fuel pump. Why does my rado always chew something up just after I've spent some money on him? Magnex back on hold..... sigh.....

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just got my laptop back and running again, so can VagCom him.


Let me know if you want a hand...

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thanks Tom, that's great - I may be asking for your help soon then! Michael came up yesterday and we had a good look round the car. Think he's coming back fri/sat so if you're free then, you might be getting a call..... :)

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car back now, after a brief trip to my local garage. Apparently there was a dry solder joint in the ECU relay. All fixed now and running really well today. Just a week without is enough to stop me taking my C for granted! Not only delighted to have my car back, it also means I can finally get him on the rollers at Stealth in a couple of weeks (please don't break down again.......) :clap:

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Super news :) And glad they managed to find an unusual fault like that!

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thanks Jim, I'm glad they found it too! They charged an hour and a half labour for trace and repair. Happy with that since the AA guy hinted at immob fault and I was expecting a lot worse. Just hoping for good behaviour at Stealth! Really excited about finding out all the figures now, hope they're not too disappointing....

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So Bosun lives on, was getting worried that it may have been making a visit to the Corrado hospital for a while there..


The AA man definitely was barking up the right tree and tbh even it was just for the tow to the garage was worth it. While towing the Corrado my poor golf was feeling ashmatic, it wasnt a happy boy at all...

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So Bosun lives on, was getting worried that it may have been making a visit to the Corrado hospital for a while there..


The AA man definitely was barking up the right tree and tbh even it was just for the tow to the garage was worth it. While towing the Corrado my poor golf was feeling ashmatic, it wasnt a happy boy at all...


your help (and the Golf's) was much appreciated, thank you, but yes I thought I was destined for a long time Corrado-less too. Very glad that the AA and the garage got it sorted so quickly





has the berry been dropped yet, or will the dyno man need a ladder? :wink:


:( big ladder will be required. Oh well, all in good time...

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:( :( :(


very unhappy today. My C was hit by my Mum's neighbour who now seems rather reluctant to repair the damage he has done. He's scraped the rear bumper and swapped some of the paint from his onto mine and vice versa. I don't think the bumper is damaged, only the paintwork but would want this confirmed by a bodyshop.


I was vacuuming my car at the time so know exactly what happened. I took photos of his car and mine, wrote down his number plate etc and of course I didn't need to ask his address.... Initially he drove off but I called round this evening to talk to him about it and the conversation didn't go particularly well. The paint is peeling off badly from another portion of the bumper and so he doesn't see that he should pay as 'the damage isn't worse than what's already there'. I tried to explain that he needs to rectify the damage that he has done - if that includes what is already there (as I said, on a different area of the bumper) then so be it. He then accused me of waiting for someone to damage the rear so I could profit from it! The fact that I had offered to move my car to make it easier for him to get out (which he declined) must prove this..... :mad2: My dad saw the accident happen out of the window but wouldn't have been able to hear what was said, of course.


I offered to get quotes done so he could pay for the work but first of all he said he wanted to go through insurance, then he said he shouldn't pay, then he said I should get quotes done to repair the peeling paint as it would be the same as getting the damage he has done repaired so I should pay... I didn't seem to get anywhere :brickwall:


Think I need to get some quotes asap, then it's his choice as to whether it goes through insurance or not. I don't see that I've done anything wrong but don't want to stir things too much as he's still my Mum's neighbour... What do you think?


not a happy bunny :cry:

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