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Intercooler change and new oil cooler question

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hello chaps im thinking of fitting a merc sprinter intercooler to the corrado G60

ive had a search through the forum and found a few bits and bobs

but what i need to know

is this the cheapest and easiest way to upgrade as a custom kit is £500+

would 1 from a different car/van be a better/easier fit

has anybody who's done it got any tips or photo's of the install

and where did you get the pipe work was it all bespoke or can you get stuff

to fit off the shelf

any help would be appreceated


the quest for more power begins


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I don't know much about it but heres a link to somone who's fitted one




Looks like a lot of cutting is involved, other option is to look for a golf G60/rallye intercooler and try and piece your own kit together, thats what i've done, very little cutting on the rallye IC and virtually none on the golf G60 IC



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thanks for that i did find that 1

i was told when i brought the car that it had a rally 1 on it

but to be honest i dont know what the difference is between them

has anybody got any pics for comparison

any recomendation for a different intercooler from a different sorce

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thanks for that i did find that 1

i was told when i brought the car that it had a rally 1 on it

but to be honest i dont know what the difference is between them

has anybody got any pics for comparison

any recomendation for a different intercooler from a different sorce


If it has a Rallye one on it, it will be between the rad and the grill. If it has a standard one on there then it will be down in the passenger footwell. Must admit, I didn't think I saw a Rallye one on there mate :( however of course I could be wrong...

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no your right its in the arch

where you said to put the air holes

on the arch liner

has any one got a pic of a rally 1

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thank you for that

bit of a difference so i take it it make quite a difference to performance

it take it these are like rocking horse sh&t

hopefully not to much extra pipe work to go with em


any 1 with this fitted to a C let me know how easy please

again pictures would say a thousand words


had an exhaust made yesterday

has any body brought a manifold off of eu tunning nedalands on ebay £159 10 year garentee

if so your coments please

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Hi mate, i'm half way through fitting my rallye IC, it's not too difficult, bit of cutting to get it sitting properly, then some cutting to make clearance for the bonnet cable. If you check the thread JMC linked to it's got a few pictures of the work i've done :D Should be links to all the bits you need too ie. rallye outlet,silicone hose kit etc


As with everything corrado though, I've noticed lots of bits that need attention before i can mount up the IC properly. The IC's pop up now and again on forums, tend to go for big money and of course you need the rallye outlet as well. IIRC Paul1 from here was selling a golf G60 IC recently for £300 might be worth a PM to see if he still has it? A lot less cutting to get it to fit :lol:


And yeah i've got one of those manifolds, not fitted yet though :lol:

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sorry to ask this but do the rally and the mk2 G60 have the same IC or are the different

is there an aftermarket 1 that would fit better may be a bit shorter im shore you could get 1 made the right size and shape for less than that!!!! i know some 1 will tell me different

how much are the hoses and pipe work to make 1 fit


saw that other link wish i could read german look like a good write up

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sorry to ask this but do the rally and the mk2 G60 have the same IC or are the different

is there an aftermarket 1 that would fit better may be a bit shorter im shore you could get 1 made the right size and shape for less than that!!!! i know some 1 will tell me different

how much are the hoses and pipe work to make 1 fit


saw that other link wish i could read german look like a good write up


Same size of core but the end caps are different, the golf g60 caps are smaller iirc.


Samco do the hoses, around £160


I believe G-werks do a kit, which is a copy of the golf g60 IC, think thats around £500 and should include everything you need :D

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yes the fitting of The Rallye IC will finish this weekend.. Claimed a 'U' bend gasket from flea bay last week. thats fitted and the IC is fitted off to get a cast 'U' bend this week n a yellow IC silicone hose kit....Then get a couple of pipes bent to shape n a CO pot holder welded in and vroooooooommm...


oh need to re-route the oil cooler pipes so they come up under the lower plate and its all back as it was..


Hmmmm then its Big brakes time and a respray yaaaaayyyyy.


Summer is coming and I have a yellow G60 :D


Hay Cheesey did you check the knowledge base? There is a How to fit a FMIC there.......Oh the irony aye Andy lol..... :D

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yeah seen that 1 as well

it says a rally style IC so is it or not from a rally

and the pipes do you just need to get the rally set to fit it

what about the other end (not the super charger end)what pipes are they


im going to gwerks in a couple of weeks i,ll just get the list off them


please follw up with the manifold just say meth ( is it any good once its fitted,did it fit well )

and the fitting of your 1 2 door fun (is it actully as easy as said, any other bits that needed to be done)



thanks for the input chaps

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As far as i'm aware the fitment guide in the knowledge base says 'rallye style' but the intercooler is based on the golf g60 one, or at least thats what rob from g-werks said :D and no it's not actually a golf g60 IC but a replica i think :?


Basically you need everything a rallye/golf g60 has


1-U-bend or pipes to form one (and gasket)

2-pipe from u-bend to IC(available from samco/venair as 3 piece set)


4-Pipe from outlet to boost pipe (available from samco/venair as 3 piece set)

5-boost pipe with co pot flange :norty: (have heard g-werks sell an alloy version but i can't confirm)

6-boost pipe to TB hose (available from samco/venair as 3 piece set)


TBH it can be expensive pieceing together all that stuff especially if you were to want vag stuff but I just stumbled on my IC from a local guy, got all the pipework from charger to TB and the IC and radiator all from a rallye. that just left me to find a U-bend.You can fit loads of other IC's but the main reason people go for the rallye/golf g60 one is that it fits,almost factory like.



Will report back when i've fitted the manifold 8)

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yeah i think the 1 they fitted was a bit smaller

the german guy has to make some alterations to the car to fit his


could you measure your 1 up for me as i think in just gonna get a after market 1 thats about the size

and hopefully should make it a bit easier to fit ,just the bother of getting the pipe work together

i was thinking of 1 with both the fittings at at the same end and extending them from were they are now

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Yeah no bother bud, hopefully get it measured up 2night if i get a spare minute :D


I thought along the same lines as you when i was doing my research, if both inlet and outlet were on the same end it might be easier to plumb in with existing pipework :D

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Rallye IC dimensions:


End tank to end tank- 30"

height- 13"

thickness- 1.5"

core size- 21"x13"x1.5"

Inlet diameter- 3"

Outlet diameter- 2.5"



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2 door fun (is it actully as easy as said, any other bits that needed to be done)



thanks for the input chaps


Evening.. I had a little more fun fitting mine but I reckon I was being tender to the old girl. In the end I just got stuck in with the old angle grinder. I wanted to retain the front tow eye most just cut it off and do with out.. I thought it may come in useful one day!! With luck I hope not.


The Rallye is basiclly the same core ize as the Golf G60 but the inlet is different. The IC pipes can be sourced from Samco as a 3 piece kit. Charger to IC inlet then outlet to hard pipe and then an elbow that fits to your custom built inlet pipe holding the CO pot. As 'Just say Meth said really'


The pipes can cost as much as your IC ad then you need t source a rallye U or fabricate you own set up.


All in all bloody good fun fiting it. I'm nver happier than when I'm cuing and fitting. Then the car goes back together an nobody is none he wiser.


I shall be welding the cuts I made to the Tow eye set up this weekend. Will post more shots as n when.


Glad ya spotted the 'How To' I didn't !!!!!!!!!



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All in all bloody good fun fiting it. I'm never happier than when I'm cutting and fitting. Then the car goes back together an nobody is none the wiser.


Well said that man :cheers:

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i thank you all for then info

it looks as if im gonna go forthe easy option find a ic 1"-2" shorter and some where near the other dimentions

the thickness seems the critical bit not much room to play with by the look of things(or is there more than there looks)

ive had a look around and you can get brandnew ic from £80 in all shapes and sizes

so i cant see the point of paying £100 plus for a used rally ic when you know you've gotta cut things about to make it fit

it cost more to get the hose's and the bend

i'll let you know what i get and bung it up

any body put up a pic of where all the fixings for the front panel BIG HELP

and where are the other 2 bolts to get the bumper off found the 4 big 1's ,on 1 site it said the were behind the indecators

had a look could'nt find them

thanks in advance


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Afternoon....Just (heavy night last night)


Well if your going for an IC of other shape n size look at these posts...


Intercooler link


Intercooler Link 2


Always good to have the photo's they do say a thousand words..


Removing the bumper is a doddle.


First sit at front of car and find the opening to the drivers side brake duct, there will be a cross head screw holding it in place. Spin this out or as you pull the bumper it can crack the plastic.


Jack up the beast slide in under and find 4 17mm bolts..2 each side They have a smaller bolt between them...DO NOT REMOVE THE SMALL BOLT.....OR THE ENGINE WILL FALL ON YOUR HEAD...Basically the small bots hold the front cross member in place. The two big ones spin out easily just use a good socket. The Pass side are easier to get two. Often the drivers side brake duct needs to be undone and oushed to one side to get at 1 of the two bolts. Once these are out pull the bumper towards you and there you go.


As for removing the front slam panel.. Its easy remove the headlights grill n bumper. There are about 10 bolts that are 10mm heads. Two at the base of the poanel the centre leg as it were. 1 each side where the bumper wraps round, two each side below the headlights, each side down the side of the lights inside the engine bay and two each side at the top of the panel near where the bonett slam pins slot home. Thats about it I think?


Happy chopping n cuting my friend.

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thanks again

so its only the 4x17mm underneath the car then it comes off ( no extra 1's hidden anywhere else)

ive been looking at full sze ics at about the same depth 30-40mm

it seems if you dont go full height you can go a lot deeper if you only use the gap in the middle

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