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Hi all,


Couldn't see a newbies section so though this would be the best place to post. Apologies if I have overlooked the 'correct' place to do this.


Although I'm a new guy to the forum I'm not new to Corrado ownership. Had my C for 8 years now - started life as a 1989 valver then after a few years she was treated to a 2.8 VR6 engine conversion. It has been my 'second' car now for a few years since buyinga Nissan Skyline as my work hack rather than hammering the miles on the C. I'm still more precious about the C than I am the Skyline - will happily let people drive the Skyline but no-one else has driven the C since I got her!


Now this is the cheeky bit - I'll be honest and say that the reason that I have been prompted to join the forum is a selfish one (Sorry) - I recently had a little mis-hap and am now in need of a replacement bonnet and bonnet hinges. After refitting the battery it seems that the bonnet pull hadn't propoerly reset itself - you can probably guess the rest but at about 45MPH the bonnet decided to lift and well...............It seems I have been hugely lucky (if you can even consider luck other than bad luck when this happens) in that it has not damaged the windscreen, roof or wings. So I will be trawling the parts for sale section soon to see if what I need is available through other owners before doing a scour of the scrappies.


The bit that really gets me though - I had got to the point of thinking that I didn't use her enough to justify the insurance, MOT, taxing etc and with 3 other cars in the household (between just me and gf) it was maybe time for it to go. That very morning I had placed an advert in the autotrader putting her up for sale - then this happened. I have taken that as a sign that I should maybe keep hold of her!!!! (Gonna call her Chrisitne from now on!!)


So, hello to all and if any of you guys and gals are aware of anyone selling the parts I need please let me know - I will be forever grateful.




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Hi there Derek - welcome to the forum! :wave:


Stick a post up in the Wanted section of the Classifieds and I'm sure someone will be able to help if there's nothing that catches your eye in the for sale section. The search is useful ;)

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Cheers for the reply.


I'll get a post up in the wanted section and also start using the search function, see if I can turn anything up.

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Hi Derek,

Sorry to hear of your misshap.

There are loads of Corrado bits appeared on ebay from someone breaking a white one. I think it's a VR but am not sure.

Good luck.


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I should probably start a new thread for this but as you mention it Judith.............Would a bonnet from a VR6 (or any later model) fir a 1989 valver?


I have read a thread on here where one person says that it does fit but looks horrible (more to do with lining up with the wings and grill if I remember correctly) and someone else saying that they had seen an early model with a late model bonnet and they couldn't notice the difference. Is there a definitive answer on this - or any pics??


Cheers a mill

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As you have a VR6 conversion I thought you wolud have the later bonnet as I thought it was changed to make more room for the VR to fit.

Could be wrong though....

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I think it is mounted a tiny bit lower due to using G60 engine mounts - but even then the underside of the bonnet needed a little 'modifying' to ensure that there was no contact under throttle!


Don't think I can be overly choosy though (the words Corrado parts and hens teeth seem to go well together) and may have to just go with a later one and see how it looks. In saying that I did notice a thread about Carbon bonnets being produced..........tempting!


Thanks again, and if anyone knows for definate whether a later bonnet fits an earlier model would be grateful to hear.




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Welcome to the forum, before anyone else says it


Get pics up! :D we loooove pics on here!


Of the "C" and the 'Liner :D


sorry to hear about your mishap with it, same happened to me in my old car but i was doing more around trhe region of 80mph on a twisty road, didnt crash the car or anything just had to look below the gap lol. Unfortunatly i needed alot more work doing than you do. New bonnet,hinges,sunroof&mech,wings realigning and roof filling and respraying, so think yourself lucky in one sence lol. must just be a sign not to get rid just yet ;)


Welcome again!

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That sounds like a nasty one Phil.


I'm beginning to think that it was a sign that she wasn't ready to go yet - just wish there could have been a more subtle way of her telling me!!!


Would gladly put pictures of both up but being a bit of a forum novice I'm not exactly sure how to go about this (thought I could just attach a pic but that doesn't seem to be working)


To be honest, its a bit of a love it or hate it Corrado - and if you are into traditional euro styling (i.e smooting, minimising etc) then you'll likely hate it. Got a full body kit (Reiger/Siedle), oxygen allows etc etc. Part of me does wish that I had kept it standard but hey, I was young.


Cheers for the welcome guys.

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easiest way i have found is to upload your pics to photobucket and then link em from there, if you cant suss it email em to me and ill put em on my photobucket - email [email protected] :) i have some pics fo what my bonnet did to the last car lol, something about the reiger corrado that i like :)

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