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Another Corrado with Wet Carpets - Drivers Side Only

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I have been plagued with my recently bought corrados wet drivers side carpets. Until today I could not find the location of the water ingress into the interior of the car. To my surprise the water seems to be coming in via the main pilar on the drivers side. I noticed it dripping of the black plastic covering that comes down the pillar at the side of the windscreen, and then down the side of the dashboard and then onto the carpet, near the accelerator pedal, and the flow of water is quite substantial.


I assume this must be coming from the sun roof, but the drain hole looked clear when I viually inspected it earlier today, I do not beleive it is coming in via the windscreen, as the seal looks good.


Has anyone else sufferd water ingress from here, going to strip the plastic cover off tomorrow and see what I can find.


Should there be a drain tube running down from the sunroof into the front wing drain area?





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I had this the other day on my passenger side :censored: mine turned out to be the mebrane behind the door card that i had disturbed when i fiited my upgrade speakers the other week :roll: i have heard of corrados windscreen seals leaking though :cry:


Check the membranes behind the door cards first as its a common thing on VW`s and even a minor gap or split will let water in the car, i just used a heat gun to "re sticky" the membranes and mines fine now :grin:

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At last found the source of the leak.........the sunroof drain hose was disconnected from the the port, thus all rain water was draining onto the interior straight down onto the the plastic that runs down the pillar and into the front footwell, the carpet is soaking from yesterdays rain.


Have now placed it back into position and sealed it hopefully no more rain water will come in.


Its going to take months to dry properley and I imagine its going to leave a nice smell.


Hopefully it will stay dry long enough for the sealant to dry.


Cheers for the help, without the forum, I would not have found the leak.





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Its going to take months to dry properley and I imagine its going to leave a nice smell.


Taking the carpets out is really really REALLY easy... why leave it to dry over a long period of time and be annoyed by the smell? :confused4: :confused4: :confused4:

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Glad you found it!! best way to dry the interior is to sponge and cloth the worst of the water out and then use an old hoover to get the rest out, ideally a vax is best, you can also use a heat gun (carefully!) to dry out the carpet, it will dry out quite quickly just leave your heater blower going down for a bit when driving and remove the mat when your not using it should help

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Also, the surface moisture from where the raintray ran down the A-pillar may start to grow mould as rain is just water from the sea/rivers so will be quite manky. You might want to take the pillar trim off _at least_ and just check it's not still damp under there, as there's no real way for fresh air to get behind it.

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I have left the pillar cover off for the moment as the car will not be driven for a week, the mats have been removed and the carpets sponged for the moment.


Running out of time today, as the Boro are playing on the Box at 13:30 today, and I have to pack my bags to go away for the week.


Might get the heat gun out next week, or pull the carpets out, at the moment the car interior is in bits.......got other problems I will be asking about later.


Again, cheers for the help.



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The soundproofing under the carpets wil be sodded and holding water like mine was, carpets out really is the best option imho.

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