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blown Supercharger

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hello everyone,


I have just had a supercharger blow on me, it was a stage 4 from jabba sport.


Could anyone tell me where i can get another one other than jabbasport???



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Hello mate - be very interested to know how long since Jabba rebuilt it? Time and miles and were there any signs?


Sorry to hear it by the way

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hello mate,


It was two years ago last week, not sure of the exact milage, i will let you know.


I didnt notice any signs atall, but im not an expert and my exhaust is pretty loud





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:( :( :( Gutted!!


Try having a look on german ebay or searching ebay for items available to the uk.

I've seen some bargain priced chargers on there!



Have you had a profesional have a look at your charger? You may only need half a new charger. You get bits of chargers for sale on german ebay too!

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Hello People,


G-man i will give you a call later today.



Caios, thanks for the info on ebay, I have found some good stuff on there.





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