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installed new HU and radio reception is poor - Help

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ok, FM reception was poo from the old radio, but assumed this was just cos it was a very cheap n nasty HU. anyway installed my swanky ALpine one and FM reception is still poor - albeit better than it was. The aerial connector looks like its been hacked at some point before though I think I've now got it connected up ok. I was wondering would the aerial on my car have an amp built in that I am now not sending any power to? its a 1990 valver.


Cheers guys.

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You need to change you aerial. Chances are it will be the original one and will be shot! Ive just replaced mine with a vag one £51.00 with discount :shock: But the reception is fantastic now even with a crappy head unit and it looks all new and shiny :)

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You need to change you aerial. Chances are it will be the original one and will be shot! Ive just replaced mine with a vag one £51.00 with discount :shock: But the reception is fantastic now even with a crappy head unit and it looks all new and shiny :)


when you say change the aerial which bit do you mean, or the whole lot including wiring?


not sure how the bonnet strap will make any difference? the strap on my old mk2 goof wasn't connected and the reception was fine....

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It's something that affects some cars and not others. My reception got better after I fixed mine, as did NickVR6s.


Not saying it will work, but it'll be a damn site cheaper than a new aerial.

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having read the link above I think I need to try getting power to the aerial amp before I try anything drastic. There is a black wire lurking in the dash that has no current purpose - I am assuming this prob the power feed for the amp. where should I connect this to? does it just need 12v? My ALpine HU has a remote turn on or power antenna connections I could connect the black wire to - which one should I go for (i'm guessing power antenna).

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well I connected up the aerial amp and that made no diff so it must be fubar. anyway as a temp fix I have disconnected the shielding from the aerial connector. so just the core is connected. Radio reception is now way better - not perfect but its now a quality I can live with.


So I think the knackered aerial amps are causing a short to ground at that end- thus disconnecting the ground at radio end removes the short.

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I bought an amplified aerial at a show 9 years ago and it's still fine. It wasn't OEM and it cost me £9 on the day!


Of course the stumpy aerial i bought on the group buy doesn't fit it - Ar$e :bad-words: !! :lol:

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