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Tyres deflating

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Three of my tyres keep losing pressure... takes about 2weeks... what could this be?... everything seems okay, i.e. - no punctures...


Do I just need new tyres of do I have to refurbish the wheels?

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Could be a minor slow puncture in the tyres, or the tyres not mounting properly with the rims due to corrosion etc. Best off to get them down to your local tyre fitter and get them to take them to take the tyres of the rims to check for damage.


You could be lucky and they could be repairable.

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I had this happen on 2 of my VR6 alloys, it was just a case of build up of old rubber/tyre soap/debris and some corrosion on the inner mounting face of the rim just letting a small amount of air out over a few weeks


tyres off and a quick wire wheel run over them sorted it, it can also be a slow leak on an old valve, maybe be worth having the ytres stripped off clean inner rims, new valves and re balance, it shouldnt cost much either :grin:

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take the wheel off and chuck it in a big bucket of water, if you haven't got a big enough bucket, a fish pond or bath should do the trick :lol: and then just look for bubbles, even a slow puncture/leaky valve/leaky rim should show up.

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take the wheel off and chuck it in a big bucket of water, if you haven't got a big enough bucket, a fish pond or bath should do the trick :lol: and then just look for bubbles, even a slow puncture/leaky valve/leaky rim should show up.


Alternatively get an almost finished bottle of fairy liquid and fill with water, squirt the soapy water onto the rim and leaks should show up then too.

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I've got this prob with my VR6, but im now used to "topping up" the air every few wks or so.

Garage said it was down to the wheels being to large for the tyres - im running 205 rubber on 8' wheels for that slightly stretched look 8).

Combined with the heavy front end of the VR i accept the minor problem - i've tried wider rubber but :gag:

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