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Bank holiday crash :-(

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I went down to Plymouth to catch up with friends and family on the weekend, got all the way down there and was sitting in slow moving traffic in the left hand lane when I noticed that the BMW (wan%^r!!) a few cars in front was getting upset that people kept driving down the outside lane and merging at the front of the que :hitler: so he starts to pull out into the outside lane to stop them, only they keep going round him on the double white lines so he pulls out further and then stops because the inside lane has stopped... one lady with three kids in the back manged to stop in time next to me but the one behind that didnt he skidded for 15-20 feet then managed to avoid the back of the car in the outside lane and went in between my car and hers damaging both and went on to write off the car in front of mine! :shock:


The BMW driver of course then just forked off :censored:


Fortunatly no one was hurt and the guy who did the damage accepted liability there and then and called the police, who much to everyones delight on Bank Holiday weekend closed the entire road at 6:00pm on a friday you can imagine the chaos this caused. Anyway I have put in a clame through my insurance and hopefully should have it all fixed soon, I was most gutted that I missed Stanford Hall because of it though :(


So if anyone has a (late) drivers side wing and or door for sale please let me know :)


Cheers all



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Yeah sorry to hear that Dan, Gutted for you especially as you were looking forward to the show, am sure you'll have it sorted for the national day.

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Na didnt get his reg unfortunatly :-( oh well the door and wing in question needed a respray anyway and she will be right in time for the national day :clap: and looking better than before 8)


I hear congratulations are in order for your result on Sunday Kip :salute: nice work fella!

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Tom aka Toad had already told me about it, sorry to hear. Especially annoying since you had nothing to do with it all. Hope someone took the BMW(*nkers) license plate number so he can be taken to the cleaners for his outrageous (but typical of BMW drivers) behaviour. There should have been enough witnesses, and I just hope people these days still have enough guts to stand up and be willing to testify rather than the more prevalent attitude of "it didn't affect me, so I don't care".



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Tom aka Toad had already told me about it, sorry to hear. Especially annoying since you had nothing to do with it all. Hope someone took the BMW(*nkers) license plate number so he can be taken to the cleaners for his outrageous (but typical of BMW drivers) behaviour. There should have been enough witnesses, and I just hope people these days still have enough guts to stand up and be willing to testify rather than the more prevalent attitude of "it didn't affect me, so I don't care".




Sorry to hear this as well dude :( Im sure at least one person would have got the reg no. if not part of the reg. along with colour and make (narrows it down). Surely he should get done for causing an accident and then leaving the scene?

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Surely the drivers who were driving too close to each other to be able to stop are the ones responsible?

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Yes and the guy who hit us is going to take a hammering on his insurance but he didn't cause the crash, the d1ck in the BMW did and he got away scott free :censored: I hope his head gasket goes, his ears turn into a55holes and sh1te all over his shoulders!

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Sounds to me like he was going too fast to stop and took avoiding action.

Its a shit whats happened mate and i feel for you and your car but if someone has to swerve to stop then their either going too fast,driving too close or not looking.

Hope you get it sorted and by the sounds of things your hopefully going to come out on top with a nice shiny wing and door!!

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Na didnt get his reg unfortunatly :-( oh well the door and wing in question needed a respray anyway and she will be right in time for the national day :clap: and looking better than before 8)


I hear congratulations are in order for your result on Sunday Kip :salute: nice work fella!


Cheers for that Dan, and will indeed be great to see you at the national day, hope you get the required bits sorted soon.

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very sorry to hear about this mate,

ive been waiting for someone to run into my front bumper so that i can claim to get it all fixed up :lol:

its surprising how little ppl care about corrados, i swear ppl just go out of there way to open there doors on mine :censored:

hope all goes well with the repairs, il be out in the summer if i can get it nice and shiny again. :wave:


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Dan, gutted mate, not ideal at all...


Ill dig the DTS number out and send it through to you...

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Sorry to read about this, but at least it can be repaired.


The collision that recently wrote off my wife's Corrado was also not entirely the fault of the person who went into the back of her, but more so because of some idiot who chose to stop in a very stupid bloody place.

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Sorry to read about this, but at least it can be repaired.


The collision that recently wrote off my wife's Corrado was also not entirely the fault of the person who went into the back of her, but more so because of some idiot who chose to stop in a very stupid bloody place.

sorry its always the fault of the person who ran into the back of someone else , they are too close and or not paying attention i hate tail gaters its one of my major hates on the road and the most frequently seen i am affraid,

the only time a rear ender is not the fault of the person doing it is, when someone has rear ended them and pushed them into the car in front .


oh yeah sorry to see the car damaged DanVW bad luck hope it gets sorted soon.

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