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repair cost? corrado worth buying?

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i have loved corrados ever since i first saw them. i never thought about buying one until recently. i am trying to get rid of my 96 audi a4, but have a few questions...


are corrados expensive to repair? do most VW dealers repair corrados?




i dont work on cars myself, besides general work, are corrados fast and furious without having to send them to a shop to get mods done? are they fun to drive? how do they perform on highways? any down sides to owning a corrado? any input would help, thanks!

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Depends what your buyin i suppose, i'd say it depends on your budget and what u get. If you have say 5k as a figure you could get a very well looked after low mileage Vr6 and you wouldnt expect much to go wrong but the age of the cars now there never going to run 100% all of the time. Obviousely something that done 200k is going to have more problems. Mines done 120 and ive had it nearly 3 years and the worse problems ive had is drive shaft, cam sensor and changed a few bushes the engine its self has been sound up to now. Saying that i dont do much milage in it cos i have a works van i dont think id have to depend on it to get to work every day, but ive got it as a toy and love it :luvlove:

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If you havent driven a corrado before why dont you go and test drive a few. I've only had vr's but when i bought my first one i test drove a G60 aswell, i picked the vr purely for the sound of the engine, just love it. If you want it for speed without modding it you'd be best going for a vr or G60. With a G60 you'll have supercharger costs every 50k miles (i think) But if you dont keep it that long and buy one that has had a recent charger service you could have a year or 2's fun motoring.

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