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The Horn!!!!

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Good to you all,

Right i have a problem with my horn!!! I have got sparco wheel on at since i have had i have had a problem with the horn in that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I was looking at it yesturday and i worked out the problem. The previous owner had fitted the wire to the steering wheel itself between the wheel and the mounting. Now i have replaced this and the horn works proper bo, but it is now messing up my stereo as it keeps crackiling and stoping any sound from coming out.


Can you help me and has anybody else had the problem??

Cheers guys :?

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yes mate. There is crackling even when the stereo is off though and gets worst sometimes when i turn the wheel. There is one main wire coming through the wheel connected to the horn and then a second wire that in theory should be connected the wheel mount. I will check the earth, but where would the best place to check that???

cheers bud

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Hello English Friend!


..Is that second wire connected at all then? - I would check and clean all your connections, not sure where the original horns are eathed but there is a circle of points behind the fusebox.

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the second wire has to be connected in order for the horn to work. Not done anything different than what was there. The only thing that has changed is the connection from a brass to a metal?????

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