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Girlfriends unlucky Polo

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I thought I'd share my girlfriends misfortune with her Polo which she has owned from new.


She currently owns a 2004 VW Polo Twist with about 71000 on the clock, 90% of which is from motorway driving.


At the end of last year whist driving her gear box failed and she was stuck in the middle of the road. In order to get the car off the road they had to force it into neutral and in doing so knackered the clutch.


Two months ago the ABS pump failed and two days ago the car failed it MOT as the left head lamp had melted in the casing!!!



She has spent just over £2000 in about 14 months. Time to get rid of it!


Now looking for a Mk IV Golf. Topic posted below....





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To get it off the road couldn't you have just bunny hopped it in gear off the starter motor? Sorry to hear that such a new car died at a young age though. They really don't make them like they used to.

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The guy who helped her said he was a 'mechanic'.


Read 'gimp'. The clutch shouldn't have been affected by moving the gear selection.


Oh well, some cars are just cack, luck of the draw I'm afraid.

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