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Spoiler problem (I did a search, it didn't help) **UPDATE**.

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Think I've broken my spoiler already :(


I did a search but all the results didn't really help me with my problem.


It's stuck halfway and wont move on the switch. Gonna go out at lunch and see if driving it up to 60 and back down sorts it. If not I'm going to cry. I can hear the switch clicking the relay but no noise from the motor.


The Relay clicking suggests switch is OK in both up and down operations. Should I have been able to hear the motor before or was this a sign it was not happy? I've not got the manual with me here so which fuse should I check in the fuse box?


Cheers guys/gals.



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Take the trim off the inside of the bootlid and see if anything is obviously wrong there. You shouldn't be able to hear the spoiler motor when it's operating correctly though, so by the sounds of it, it needed re-greasing.


There is a knob for manually moving the spoiler right in the middle of the mech. It pulls outwards towards the front of the car, then rotating it raises/lowers the spoiler. Try this and see if it moves freely.


Also get a multimeter across the terminals on the motor itself, to make sure it's getting 12v when activated.

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Nice one, I read about the manual winder so I'll try that when I got home tonight. I may unplug the motor from the loom at lunch to avoid any further problems until I can look at it.


Not good that I could hear the motor then. I saw a cleaning guide on here on the search so I'll try that. I did notice last night that when the spoiler dropped in traffic my headlights dimmed so it was clearly pulling a lot of current.



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RIght popped out for a ciggie and popped the rear cover off and wound the spoile down. Was reasonably stiff so going other posts on here it needs a good clean up.


Plan of action at the moment is:


* Try speed test at lunch

* Check for 12v on motor tonight when using switch

* Remove and clean whole setup on sunday.


Can someone tell me which fuse it is though? I had a look on the tray and it didn't list the spoiler. I think I may have scored a used and working set up for £50ish too so I may wel just get that and keep it as a spare if I fix what I've got on the car already.



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it wont be the motor, it will be the tubes that carry the plastic sleeved cables gunked up by the sound of it, same happened to mine, graunching noise like a coffin opening!!! took it out/apart, oiled and re greased everything and it works superb (well it did till the "down" micro switch broke :wink: ) stuck a complete spare mech i had on and its fine


Its not that hard a job to do, just make sure you unplug all the wiring loom in the tailgate first off, and tuck it out the way, its really obvious where it all plugs back in, then all you need to do is undo the spoiler allen keys, you can see them when its raised up, undo the 4 screws that hold the rubber seals on the spolier ram part, then undo the 4 or 5 bolts that hold the mechanism in the tailgate, it needs a bit of jiggling to get it out the space but it comes in and out easy enough


once the mech is out its a pretty simple set up, just make sure you take note of where all the bits go, to get at the cable tubes you need to seperate the casing on the motor, inside there is 2 toothed blocks and cog that hold the cables and the micro switch which raise and lower the spoiler, remove the tubes and put some wd40 or normal oil down them and pull the cable back and fourth with some pliers, loads of gunk will come out, then just re assemble


to test the motor just get 2 short lenghts of electrical wire put it on on + - terminals and put the other ends accross the battery on the car, should operate quietly and smoothly, if not, you know its the motor on its way out too

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Cheers Aqua.


I took it out at lunch and no sign of any spoiler action once well past 50mph so it's clearly not switch related.


Will have a fiddle tonight and report back later.



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Oh yeah and I checked fuse 16 but that seemed fine. It's late valver if that makes any difference as to which fuse?



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Right tested it tonight and get 12.8v with the engine off at both terminals on the connector in the boot lid. One goes live with the switch pressed for up, the other live when switched for down. With it connected the motor makes no noise and does nothing.


I guess this means the motor it dead right? If so anyone got a known working one for sale? I may have sorted one but not heard back from the guy and having only had it a day I want to get this fixed PDQ.



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