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oil pressure warning above 2k

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hi chaps.............totally new to this so any cock ups arn't intentional. can anyone help with this head scratcher. i have a 93 vr6 which has seen better days but well worth a few extra efforts keeping her on the road. havent got to the throwing a spanner at her yet but she can be a bit of a tester at times. the latest cause of a groan is ....oil press light flashing and buzzer sounding when and after its revved above 2k. it resets when i restart the engine and stays silent untill i slip above 2k again..


this started while a brand new alarm/immob was being (profesionally) fitted. the electricians rang me about the fault while in their charge. i had the car towed to them with a immobiliser (wouldnt start) fault. they removed (so they say) x3alarms and x2immobilisers and apparently had a nightmare with the wires.. they suggested the oil and filter should be changed to cure the fault...as the next job on my list was just that, i did so using good quality 10/40 semi-synthetic and champion filter....still the same... still get flashing and buzzing above 2k..other things she came back with are...temp gauge, trip comp (i think) not working and the digital clock keeps resetting to zero at each use.........none of these faults showed before the old immob started playing up. mileage is 141000, engine normally starts and runs quite nice but maybe a little hot with no coolant loss


can anyone help?

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hi the over 2k buzzer is meant to come on if the oil pressure is below 2bar ish at 2k

its probably just the switch on the oil filter housing theres 2 oil switches and one oil temp sender there

the oil pressure switches are a different colour but look the same apart from that

first try swapping the wires round somebody may have connected them the wrong way round

if not maybe the switch is stuffed

you also should take the switch out (anyone ) and test the oil pressure first .

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High pressure is the yellow wire and should be a black sensor,


mine recently went, luckily i had an oil pressure gauge already installed so knew there wasn't an oil pressure problem, replaced the switch and all was good again.


You can also check it isn't a clock/wiring fault. If you earth the yellow wire when the buzzer is sounding it should then switch the buzzer off.

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Easiest thing to do is get the oil pressure checked. Sounds like some of your wiring is in a mess but get the pressure checked as your oil pump may on the way out or you may have a blocked oil way.


Once thats ruled out is prob the pressure switch, but could be the wiring or maybe the circuit in the clocks that gives the warning.

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thanks for all help with this....it been a bit of an adventure sorting it .........turned out to be the wiring behind the fuse box and all is now hunky dory...well for today it is...still got the bonnet catch .... wheel bearing...and that easy sounding heater matrix swap...oh then the sunroof.....but for now arn't these cars a joy to drive.

found the local vw dealers not to helpful....they refused to do a pressure test untill i agreed to pay them £40 odd plus..apparently its the fee they need to advice me if i need a pressure test and if one is done then i pay extra for the test... i got the inpression they wasnt as watery eyed as i am with the vr...they should test drive one...regards

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they refused to do a pressure test untill i agreed to pay them £40 odd plus..apparently its the fee they need to advice me if i need a pressure test and if one is done then i pay extra for the test



ouch, you can get a draper gauge for well less than that and spend 30 mins doing it yourself! If you can change a sparkplug you can do a compression test!

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thats exactly how it was explained... 'if we dont think it needs a pressure test, we won't do one'...... ive found a independant vw/audi specialist about 20 miles away from me who talks the right language (same as mine) who will be getting my hard earned in future

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