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1,500 miles in a new Scirocco....

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Negative (well positive, actually, too), when Schwebe, ex Karmann chief construction engineer from a production/design engineering perspective verbally took the car apart, which was quite amusing. Words like hammerfishmouth (referring to the front of the car), cheap BnQ plastic (referring to the lower grille), plague bumps (referring to the rear hatch hinges, which unlike our Rados are not cleverly recessed into the roofline, Schwebe showing me patent application pictures of how he for Karmann solved this problem for the Rado).


Did you really think he'd PRAISE the new Scirocco though? VW could have come out with a masterpiece but if it doesn't really hark back to the MK1 and MK2, and isn't built by Karmann, and uses other parts from the VW parts bin, it was going to be in his line of fire.

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but if it doesn't really hark back to the MK1 and MK2, and isn't built by Karmann,


And those are just 2 VEY IMPORTANT factors for many a Rocco enthusiast. Give the Irocco any other name like Goof Sports or something and I'd back off a lot more. I'd still not buy one for the reasons in my previous post.


Besides buying a new car seems like an utter waste of money to me anyway (keyword: depreciation), you can better lose money in shares :lol: At least you may even make some money with shares, certainly not with buying a new car.



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At least you may even make some money with shares, certainly not with buying a new car.


Unless you want something reliable and something under warranty that gets fixed for free over a three year period. When you want to be just able to use the thing day in, day out, to get where you want to go and not have to worry about what it'll cost if something goes pop.

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Unless you want something reliable and something under warranty that gets fixed for free over a three year period. When you want to be just able to use the thing day in, day out, to get where you want to go and not have to worry about what it'll cost if something goes pop.


I think you need to buy a Kia Ceed Jim :lol:


Proof of the pudding etc,

the Scirocco will be mainly company car buys and for 20K it's got to be either really eye catching, 'aspirational' or be very practical and get good reviews (golf GTI hits most of this), there's a lot of options on co. car lists at this price and I'm not even sure the Scirocco will make may of the lists.

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lol - I wasn't talking about what I want from a car. I was just trying to point out the sort of people who DO buy new cars, or who want their cars to be reliable!


Still - you can't grumble at a 7 year warranty!

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had a good review, liked most things about it, apart from boot, rear view and borrowed bits of dash. said it was exciting to drive & basically made the 3dr gti obsolete.

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What Car? November issue have reviewed the same Scirocco you took to the ring, minus the sticker....


So my little secret that I'd organised a few weeks prior to the ring trip was the loan of a new Scirocco from VW's press office. The basis was to write a feature for the CCGB Sprinter magazine. They kindly agreed and I subsequently (on Thursday morning last week) took delivery of a shiny new Scirocco in Rising Blue, fitted out with plenty of factory options and that excellent 2.0 T-FSI engine.


The car has been absolutely excellent and I'm really looking forward to writing about it and telling you all about the car and the trip - but I only just fell out of bed after a tiring few days. Will put some thoughts down when I get back - and some pictures of which we took many!

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Was going to post about this! Went to fill up the Rado this morning at the petrol station and spotted the magazine with the Scirocco on the front - saw it was blue so scooted over to have a look and indeed it was the exact same car. Kinda cool to see but can only assume the road test was done BEFORE we had it given the times for printing magazines, etc.


I might go buy a copy if only for a bit of a memento and keep it with the press pack I got for the new Scirocco when they sent me the details about it.

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That did cross my mind too as I'm sure they'd have kept the sticker on it. I bought a copy just to say I sat in it :D


Was going to post about this! Went to fill up the Rado this morning at the petrol station and spotted the magazine with the Scirocco on the front - saw it was blue so scooted over to have a look and indeed it was the exact same car. Kinda cool to see but can only assume the road test was done BEFORE we had it given the times for printing magazines, etc.


I might go buy a copy if only for a bit of a memento and keep it with the press pack I got for the new Scirocco when they sent me the details about it.

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