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Can't be without a corrado!!

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I'm sure you're heard this one many times, I chose to sell my VR C due to my upcoming (and rather expensive) uni course. Needless to say I am now hugely regretting that decision and am trying to consider anything to get back in a C!!


It was a big jump for me, my current car is an A3 1.8 SE from 1997, and it doesn't make a difference that it has loads of features and drives well, it's not the same without the C!!!!


Most people think im nuts that I want a car like that when I'm a student, but if its in the budget, who's to argue? The A3 is worth about 2.5k and you can get a fairly decent VR for 3k now...can't you??


Anyway I'm sure you're all interested to know, I very much regret selling my VR, any suggestions are greatly welcome!



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Get one bought, if you get a late model its only a couple of years older.

If its the running costs that bother you then do what I do, dont think about them :clap:

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Jim, 2 words for you ....


DO IT !!!!


I have just bought a VR6, I owned one 5 years ago, and have always regretted selling it. I have just got home tonight after picking it up (and doing a 200 mile detor home!), and my goodness I had forgotten how good these cars really are!! The drive is second to none, while going either fast or slow, its such a responsive car, and nothing I have driven is comparable.


Ok that was more than 2 words, but take it from an ex-VR6 owner, you really wont regret getting another one again! If your budget is between 3 to 4k you should have no problem getting a great example, you really do get a ridiculous amount of car for the money.


Go for it , and enjoy it while you can :)

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I think the majority of us can relate to you.


I am on my third rado now, the second one i owned was an absolutely mint vr with 74k on the clocks....i regret selling that car everyday of my life. I am of course back in another rado vr, but this needs quite a bit of work to get it up to scratch. I'm loving doing it all though as i'm sure you're gonna love being back in one.


Dont worry about the running costs, my wife looked at an a3 a while back and the economy was worse than my vr.

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Thanks for the advice, I knew you'd all agree :)


Before I moved I was given the opportunity to get a push bike to use at uni, which I immediately took up as the money I can save on cycling will go in my Rado fund!


I will keep my eyes open for any good ones that appear on PH/AT, but until I shift this Audi, I won't be doing anything. I remember when I sold my Rado for 4k(in June), it had full leather interior, does that really increase the value of it?


I just find it hard to believe that similar ones are now around the 3k mark! Not a bad thing for me though!


Are there any students (or in similar financial woes) here who also own a VR6? Is it easy enough?


Aside the insurance, I think you're right about the similarities between my current car and a Rado. Also, I prefer the rados that have been lowered and a bit of engine work done/ low ish mileage. Do you think this is entirely possible on my budget? Thanks all,



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I've toiled with selling mine over the past year, never done it, and i think its gotten to the point when i never will.


In 20yrs when everyone has 1000mpg hydro cars i'll still be sat in my C with its arse scraping on the floor

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Are there any students (or in similar financial woes) here who also own a VR6? Is it easy enough?



I'm a student and I run a VR6! Slowly worked my way up to one by buying cheap cars that needed some work, getting it done and selling on at a profit once I'd got bored of them (happens too quickly for my liking :lol: ). Worked my way from MOT fail MKII GTi -> Cat C Rado 2.0 -> Audi A4 -> Rado VR over a year and a half, so the purchase cost didn't effect things too much.


Insurance was a big hit although the VR only costs £50 a year more than the Golf did - but when it's at Uni with me it does sod all miles so a limited mileage policy takes a chunk off the price. Not using it much whilst I'm at uni also saves the fuel - it only gets a good run when I'm home with the car-loving mates!


Parts and maintainance are the biggies and you just have to save by doing all the work yourself & with mates, it saves loads and makes a change from politics, philosophy and economics essays! I've tended to work my summers/holidays and allocate a chunk of that and do all the years work/modding in one go :wink: - make sure the tax is due at the same time as getting the loan and you don't notice that hit as much either :) !

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