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Speedo Going Crazy

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I have got a problem with my speedo. basically every time i drive for a while all will seem fine then all of a sudden my speedo just seems to start going crazy, it will start fluctuating from whatever speed i an doing right up to 140, then back again, then it will drop to zero and shot back up again. i have also noticed that this now affects the rear spoiler which now keeps randomly popping up and down as the speedo fluctuates. Could it just be that there is some dirt or a loose conection inside the plug from the sender??? anyone else had any problems such as this???

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I guess you have a late spec Corrado with the electronic sensor for the speedo drive?


try cleaning the connector at the gearbox end. If that doesn't work, it sounds like it's getting interference from somewhere else. Have you recently installed a radio or been fiddling with the wires in the dash at all?

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i've also got this going on, one second 40mph next 140mph! and so on esp if i'm accelarating and yes the spoiler joining in too making people behing shake there head. tried cleaning and messing with gearbox connection. no help. hope its not any wiring behind the dash, been there once with heater matrix and don't want to go there again!! let us know please if you get any results?

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had a similar problem on mine which i mean to sort very soon.


sounds like it's either the gearbox sender, or, there is a small voltage regulator with a three prong conection on it on the back of the clocks.


if you go to vagparts.com and type in voltage regulator into the search then you will see it.


apparently the solder connections on these sometimes dry up and just need re-soldering. if not then a new regulator is only a few quid...


if you want to be sure - just do as i am and renew both - should be less than 30 sheets all in and you then have peace of mind.


hope you get it sorted :)

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i had this and everyone pointed to the voltage regultor, i turned out my earths were lose and i did not suffer a loss of power, check these 1st.

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