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91 Drivers side door handle discontinued?!

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Ok, so I finally get my G60 a couple of days ago and the drivers side door handle went this morning, no problem I popped down to my local GSF to be told that they are now discontinued a call in on my VW dealer confirmed this, so now I can't seem to find one anyware. Can any one advise any where to get a hold of one?


Apparently the handle without the central locking wire attached is still avalible but is it possible to add the wire and micro switch to it?


Also I was trying to remove the old handle to see if I could repair it but the wire is trapped behind what I guess is a part of the central locking in the door and I cannot get it out without taking that off to. I didn't want to mess about too much as I don't want to make the situation any worse.


Why is nothing every easy, lol




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Welcome to obsolete car ownership :salute: you should be able to find a second hand door handle on the bay or many of the various VW forums. I also recommend Dave16v's replacement handle mech which is near bulletproof.


The CL wire may be catching on the pushrods for the door opening mechanism itself. Pop the doorcard off and ease the wires back out of the handle hole once you have removed it.



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If its only the little L shaped mechanism (lever) thats broken i would definately just go to dave and get a replacement. Is that the case? Saves having 2 keys also.

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Cheers for the answers guys.


I have had the door card off but cannot ease the wire out. This is the second time the drivers handle has gone on this car as I already have two diffrent keys for it I guess whoever put the replacement in wanted to make sure that the wire didn't interfere with the window operation. I think Im going to have to remove what ever the wire is trapped by. Any idea what it is likley to be it is on the right hand side of the door looking from the inside just under the lock mechanism itself between the two skins, wasn't sure if it was for the central locking or the electric window.



Other than this minor issue Im so pleased with my new Corrado, I owned a 2.0 16v about 5 years ago and am really glad to be an owner again.



Thanks again.


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EW motor is near the door hinge on the left hand side so it's not that. The only things on the right hand side are the central locking mech and the right hand rail for the window. There should still be enough space around there to move the wire out.


My guess is someone has put it back in the wrong way and it's got tangled with something else and now you're having a headache getting it out.


Can you get any pics up?

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I have managed to loosen the cable by unscrewing one of the screws a little way out but I think your right someone has put it back in wrong, and its still caut up round one screw, but I have a good enough length that I can get the handle out and work on it.


I have spoken to Dave about the repair kit but he has none in stock at the moment.


Thanks for everyones help and Im sorry my introduction to the forum has been a massive moan Im just glad im on the way to getting it sorted :D

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Ok i have just one more (probably stupid) question... what dose the wire from the door handle actually do? I've disconnected it from the drivers door and the central locking works fine fom both the remote and with the key, is it something for the alarm?

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your probably right boost monkey...


although if it's had an alarm fitted they may of opted to fit two actuators in the bottom of the doors rather than using the original pneumatic stuff.

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Its got 3 wires in it red/black/brown, I assumed is was for the central locking as well, but I have just tested it and with it unplugged the central locking is working fine. I tried locking with the fob and then unlocking it with the key and opening the door which would usually set the alarm off but I got nothing, opening the passenger door set the alarm off as expected but the alarm isn't factory fitted (is it?) so I don't see how that could be.

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I have managed to get a new handle from a scrapyard and fitted it, That wire does connect in to the central locking but was mentioned above the wiring was changed when the alarm was put in.


She all back together and working now and with the help of the Wiki article have even managed to re-tumble the lock so I don't have to carry two keys around anymore. yay!



Now just gotta work out why the alarm keeps setting itself off for no apparent reason. :lol:

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