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Immobiliser problem

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I have a 1989 1.8 with a Clifford Concept 50 Alarm system and I'm having problems starting the car.


I don't use the car every day and the battery is sometimes flat/requires charging. It's almost 3 weeks since I last started it.


I charged the battery overnight with the aim of using today......however I can't seem to get past the immobiliser stage.


I enter the valet code on the toggle switch associated with the Clifford system but it isn't responding.


There is power to the car as various things including lights, radio, wipers, sunroof still work, although when I turn on the lights the radio goes of!......I'm a bit stumped and any advice would be welcome


Many thanks

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How many times have you flattened your battery? If your radio goes off when you turn the lights on theres a fair chance your battery is knackered, car batteries are not good at being flattened, then charged...


Charge your battery, put it in the car and put a multi meter over the terminals, you should get around 12-12.5 volts. now turn on the lights and check again. If theres an appreciable drop in voltage you need a new battery.

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Many thanks. I'll get the multimeter out and let you know how it goes.


Do you think this is the cause of the immobiliser not turning itself on?

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Good to see an easy and cheap fix...


Just one comment, if your going to leave your car for weeks at a time without using it you need to either a) disconnect the battery so it doesnt go flat, or b) get a trickle charger and leave it plugged into the battery to keep it charged. If you leave it to go flat and then recharge it, it will not be long before the new battery is kanckered too.



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Could you use one of those solar chargers you get for 12v sources from Maplin. I know it's Britain, and also winter but any amount of light provides a charge and will save having to keep a wire out to the car or disconnect the battery and therefore the alarm...

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I had one of those solar chargers from Maplins, dont waste your money!!! lol.. the one i had was worswe than useless...

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