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Gearbox problem.

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If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. I have recently replaced my O2A gearbox and after connecting everything back up I started the engine and put it in gear, lifted the clutch up and nothing happened. On some occasions the clutch pedal got stuck to the floor. Will I still need to bleed the master and slave cylinder even if I didn't disconnect the hydraulic system. Also shouldn't the clutch be engaged thus preventing you from selecting gear. Could I have installed the gearbox incorrectly. Any help would be grateful.





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has your fluid level gone down? Make sure there's not a leak from the slave cylinder, there's no reason it has to be bled unless you disconnect and remove/replace the slave cylinder.

From what I remember if the rubber boot around the piston on the slave is ripped the piston could have come out when you fitted it and not be acting on the clutch?

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