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Help with HiD's please...

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I've just had a set of Hids fitted to my standard headlights (with the orignial factory wiring loom).

Firstly i can say that night driving is much much improved!!!


However i do seem to have a couple of issues;


1. when i switch on just the side lights (1st position on the light switch) the Hids (main beam) flicker (although dont come fully on). The guys who fitted them yesterday noticed with the volt meter, that with the sides on there was a current leak to the main beam of (i think) 1 Volt, so this is causing the hids to flicker but obviously not enough juice to fire them up. So is this to do with the kit not being wired up correctly or a faulty fuse/relay or is the loom just cr@p and i need an uprated one? (if uprated is required can someone recomend a good one).


2. With the main beam on the light is great, however when i then pull back the stalk for full beam it turns off the Hid's!! So i just get a dim orange light!!! How can i get the Hids (main beam) to stay on with the full beam?


Aside from those small issues i am going to fit some brighter bulbs for the full beam so it dosen't go all yellow with the full beam on. I'm going to do that straight away but also i'm thinking about getting another Hid kit to run the full beam, just want to know if that will work and if it will cause any electrical problems?


look forward to ya thoughts.... :D

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Did you pay this fella to fit them? If so I wouldn't be that happy that they're not right. The flickering could well be down to the old wiring in your car.


I would also like to point out that HIDs fitted to your car are illegal and you may have issues come MOT time or get tugged by VOSA/the fuzz for them. I'm not having a winge or moan but I feel many people are unaware of this and it's good to be armed with the facts if you ever get caught out. They do look good though.



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My guess with the flickering main beams is that the dim dip resistor hasnt been disconnected.


With the standard set up the main beam bulbs glow dimly when the side light are on.


The resistor is a big yellow sausage shaped thing on the wing infront of the battery, unplug this and try turning the side lights on and see what happens.

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Well thanks for the replies guys, Dub_Nut you were spot on with the resistor, just disconected it as you said and hey presto stopped the flickering!! Thanks for that mate, probably wouldn't have even found the resistor if you hadn't said, as it is quite well hidden.

We finally managed to get the main beam (Hids) to stay on when the full beam is on by changing some of the wires around, so the wire that should feed the sides now feeds the main beam (hids) and the wire that should feed the main beam now feeds the full beam (think that's right, the guy that worked it out is head of servicing at the local Audi dealer, just happened to be there at the right time, and tbh it all went over my head!!)

This dose now mean that i have no side lights (just puts the Hids on straight away) which tbh are a bit pointless anyhow, will have to swap the wires back over come MOT time or find a friendly tester...

Getting some 100w bulbs tomorrow for the full beam so should work well with the Hids, as at the moment there is a weird yellow patch in the distance amongst the almost daylight of the Hids, everyone should have these!! This Hid kit is a H4 one and only about £60 (the garage got them for me, think from China?), plus some naughty 100w bulbs for the full beam at £15/20, oh yeah and a fair bit of messing about!


As for the legality, well yeah i read a fair bit about that on here, and well it is a bit of a grey area.....


thanks again, and i hope this info will save someone a few hours in the future.

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