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A cure for all evils

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Last summer I bought a Storm that’d covered 111,000 miles. After spending a fair wedge on the bodywork to get it looking like new, it needed a comprehensive service and a number of annoying gremlins addressing.


I spoke to loads of garages and got a mixture of responses from [what now appears to me to be] lies / misleading advice from some ‘specialists’ to no practical / useful advise whatsoever from VW.


In the end I went with PD Motorsport because John and Darren returned my calls and emails, and sounded interested in helping me; rather than just wanting to make money [VW!].


I collected my car last Friday, and even though I’ve not had time to go on a decent run, I can say that PD are exceptionally talented as well as enthusiasts.


Admittedly my bill came to over £2k, which was expected and I was consulted over each major decision, but this included over 20 hours labour [VW wanted almost £90/hr inc VAT!], refurbished wheels, tyres, coil pack, HT leads, rear brakes, MOT etc.


The upshot is that it now drives like new; well as good as I could imagine it drove when new.


I’d like to thank John and Darren for doing a great job and recommend to any of you that if you want a service or specialist work undertaking, that you should give them a call. They’re much cheaper than VW per hour and actually want to make your car drive better.


Before PD Motorsport, my Storm had a full VWSH but at times drove and handled like a dog and the electrics couldn’t be trusted, particularly on damp cold mornings. It still has a full service history but VW are no longer servicing it; it’s now superb.


Morale of the story – sod VW, use a good specialist and enjoy the car like never before.



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Amen... your Storm does well and truely sound like a minter now mate! Nice to see some more complimentary reviews of PD Motorsport.. you guys sound like you are doing an excellent job, and getting yourselves a great reputation..


Any plans to get some pictures snapped up and posted for us? :)

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Nice to find someone who doesn't make you feel guilty about bringing your car to them.

BTW, I would always avoid VW too. Not only do they charge the earth, but judjing by a few things they fixed on mine (by previous owner) they aint too good at what they do. e.g. new radiator, but they broke off the old top nozzle and left it in the main radiator feed pipe - it started to act as a tap :x and eventually shut off flow of water into radiator. Also did the steering rack, and forgot to put the rubber gaiter back on (the one from bulkhead to rack). Rack needs to come off to replace, though I reckon I could bodge one on with one from a scrapper and duck tape :wink:


So I agree, VW.... no way!!!!!!

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Great to see acknowlegement of jobs well done - nice one pd-m.

Chuck, have you got the bills? You should get the garage to fix both those probs for free since they caused 'em - give the mgr a hard time.


What about a naming & shaming thread?

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