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Hopefully getting this - for free...

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Just been offered this... not from the owner tho. It's been left on the driveway of a house my mates company let out and they need it moved. The owner after leaving the house hasn't made any attempt to get it removed so i've offered to have it, as long as i can get hold of the keys and the documents for it. So, hopefully, if they can get hold of him it'll be mine soon... Well, it won't be mine, it'll be the girlfriends for when she passes her test :roll:


My mate says it looks ok, but it has stood for a few months after the guy ran out of money, stopped paying his rent, then ran off. So, what does everyone think, a bargain? :norty: Or shall i run away? :nono:

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is it a GTI? if so its defo worth dragging home!


The lack of keys isn't much of an issue, they are hardly secure.


Just apply for the V5 with the dvla as its an abandoned vehicle if you dont get the docs.

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from checking the reg it does show up as a genuine GTI


Vehicle Registration MarkB188PWK



Transmission & fuel typeMANUAL PETROL




If the guy kicks off, tell him you are taking it in lieu of the rent money he owes :lol:

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The DVLA website says its an 1800, and is red so think its legit, although tax ran out last year. Mind you it doesn't look too molested so i think i'll try and get hold of it, just got to get it trailered home and explain to my parents why theres another rusty red car sitting on my driveway when there's already a rusty red car sitting on their driveway along with my car sitting in their garage at the moment until it gets its leaky thermostat replaced...

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Oooh its B reg! I'm a sucker for the really early ones!


Pull the big bumper off and get it right with an original small bumper!


Does it have the red/grey big stripe interior (love it).


It will be an 8v on KJet then on a B plate!


Check carefully for rust before you commit to it!

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looks awesome. There's a local guy in Ox with a Mars Red A reg, always liked that colour!


if it's tidy inside and out, you could easily be sitting on a few pennies too, with it being a 3dr and all.

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P slots with centre caps mate! for free you cant go wrong in the slightest especailly if all 4 are they. they are like rocking horse poop from what i can gather :D


looks decent enough, worst it can do is give you £85 weigh in value at least!

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v62 form is what you want from the post office, thikn theres a £20 fee to do this unless you can show proof of ownership


id say go for it dude, bit of G3 and she'l be red as anything again, stick it on the bay if you dont want it, will deffo fetch more then £20 lmao

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My mate gave the owner an ultimatum yesterday, via his voicemail, either drop the keys and documents round to their office or they'll get the council to remove it and send him the bill. He hasn't got back to them yet... We're not quite sure where the law stands as its parked on private property, yet if i get it trailered over to mine then wouldn't that be theft? Suppose i could charge him removal fees and storage if he tried claiming it back? Anyone know the legalities of this? Quite fancying this as an additional family member... :luvlove:

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Difficult to tell from the pics but if that's a non sunroof model get it home and then worry the legal side!



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I'm still undecided about this, the legalities are putting me off slightly, oh and the fact that i haven't seen the car yet still. I managed to get in touch with the ex-tenant who said it wasn't his car and that it had turned up on the drive shortly after he'd moved in, although he'd previously claimed that it was his when my mate told him he had to move it, and somehow shortly after a note appeared inside it saying it was going to be moved. My guess is it is his car but as he's done a runner from the house and is now living in Bristol he's got no interest in the car! I'm going to see what i can find out about it through the DVLA and get a vehicle check done on it at some point to make sure it isn't stolen. My mate has put a notice on it, which has to be on the car for 15 days before the car can then be taken away, although the law appears to be slightly vague on ownership, which is where i wonder whether its worth it as i can't prove ownership of the vehicle, only apply to be the registered keeper on the V5.


I just hate to see a good car go to waste... that is as long as it is a good car!

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get your mate who owns the property it's parked on to write you a simple receipt saying he has sold the car to you, i doubt very much that the original owner has any proof whatsoever that he owns the car and if it was disputed your mate can say the car was taken in lieu of rent money so he was the legal owner, so if you have a receipt and the v5 there is not much the original owner can do about it.

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if you apply for a logbook from the dvla they will write to the guy informing him that sumone is applying for a logbook, i would assume the car is registered at the address the car is at, and also the owner has no interest so he will probaly not reply which means its yours:D

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Fill the forms out and don't worry about it. You can then prove you carried out the correct procedures to the best of your knowledge. The worst that could happen is that you have to give the car back but you won't have to. You've got a chance for a nice freebie, ave it :D

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Latest update, my mate is round at the flat doing an energy report at the mo and thought he'd have a poke around it. The car is unlocked and some of the wiring has been pulled out so it looks like someone has had a go at taking it for a spin, but no sign of a forced entry! The old tenant's neighbour said he used to see the guy sitting in it having a fag so thought it was his too... I'm going to take a look at it tonight, then leave it until next weekend and if nothing has been heard by then i'll get it trailered over to mine. In the mean time i might get a HPI check done on it just to make sure it isn't stolen then apply for the log book. Then just to make sure i'll get it transferred to private plates so if there is a genuine owner somewhere they won't recognise it! 8)

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What i'd do is: Get the mate to give you a reciept, do a cheap HPI check to make sure its not recorded stolen, then pick it up.


Before spending any cash apply for the V5. If it make you feel better stick a cheap private plate on it and it will never be recognised.


The guy clearly doesnt want it, the V5 application thing is an official way of dealing with abandoned cars.

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