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Nightmare!!! I've got a stuck charger bolt

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As I was getting my charger off the car last night I managed to round the head of one of the 4 large 6mm allen key bolts on the air box side of the charger as they were done up so bloody tightly by the previous owner :censored:


Normally i'd just wedge in a bigger bit but there's no package space in the engine bay to use a hammer to wedge something in there - its the bottom of the 4 bolts that i'm trying to get at. It's so frustrating!! I've covered the bolt in plus gas and tried to use some mole grips to turn the bolt but with no joy. I really done want to have to lift the engine out the got 1 poxy bolt off it :(


Has anyone else experienced this and how did they fix it? All advice is appreciated.

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I agree those things rock. I've sheared bolts down to about 2mm and as long as theres space for the driver and socket, they remove just about anything with thread.

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I had the same happen to me, i managed to just get a stud extractor to it by putting a block of wood and a jack under the sump on the pulley end, and lifted it just enough to get at above the chassis leg.

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