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G60 Starting problem

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Hi All

This is my first post so thought I'd do a new thread - I have a starting problem with my C where the ignition just does nothing. I switch it on the fuel pump primes and for the immobiliser on the car I have to wait for the oil light to stop flashing. When turning the key to start absolutely nothing happens, maybe a soft whurring. On a few occasions previously when starting it did make a fast grinding noise only just conected this happening with this latest problem - I replaced the ignition switch (also charged battery, but only 1yr old) and also spotted the cable straight from the +battery terminal to the starter was virtually broken so replaced that too. Is the starter motor knackered? If so I am reluctant to try to take it out as this may lead to alignment problems - Any pointers or tips, please? :shrug:

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Hi there, you need to test that your getting 12V down the red/black lead to the starter solenoid when the ignition switch is turned to the crank position...


If you do get 12V ish then it's either a knackered starter solenoid or a bad earth / battery etc


If not then it's either an ignition switch, wiring or immobiliser fault - did you fit one of the new black switches?

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Hey thanks for the post - I checked the voltage, do get 12v (or 11.something to be precise) I'm hoping its just bad earth as need to clean the terminals up a bit - If it is the starter can you give any indication whether this is within the capabilities of a amateur corrado mechanic with Bentley manual, which warns about supporting the engine/gear box as the alginment can shift on the car. I've seen another post somewhere else about new starters being incorrect, where's the place to get one (and let a proper mechanic do the rest), I'm guessing not GSF.

It was a GSF sourced black ignition switch, but I've kept the original as it showed no sign of wear- but after the palava of getting the original out I couldn't not replace it.


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